Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wall Street About To Be Hit With A Rule It Hates, Thanks To JPMorgan Due 16 Dec 2013. What is the Volcker Rule? What is portfolio hedging? Should banks be allowed to hedge their portfolios?? Why or why not??

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The U.S. Health Care System is Terrible, In 1 Enraging Chart Due 9 December 2013. Read the graph and discuss the implications of our current health care system. Is it a big deal?? What solutions would you suggest to fix our health care system? Is health care a "right" in the U.S. Constitution?? Should the government be involved in fixing the health care system?

Monday, November 18, 2013

Janet Yellen Shames Congress For Austerity, Being Terrible Due 25 November 2013 at 6am. Who is Janet Yellen?? Why does she contend that "belt tightening" is bad?? What does she think Congress SHOULD do?? What is austerity and why does it cause the FED to react in ways differently than the status quo?

Elizabeth Warren Slams Regulators for Keeping Banks "Too Big to Fail" Due 25 November 2013 at 6am. What is "Too Big To Fail?" Why is Elizabeth Warren concerned about it? How does she propose reducing the size of banks? What do YOU think should be done??

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Billionaires Received Millions From Taxpayer Farm Subsidies: Analysis Due 18 November 2013 at 6am. Why do billionaires get into the farming business? Do they really NEED the subsidies? If we disallow subsidies to all farmers, what will happen to the food supply?? WHY?? (look at the supply curve and discuss incentives--also consider weather)

In Washington State, Home of Highest Minimum Wage, a City Aims Higher Due 18 November 2013 at 6am. Cite the pros and cons of a higher minimum wage, according to basic economic theory: Where will people WANT to work? Why? Where will people FIND work? Why? What will happen to the businesses within Sea Tac? (be sure to look at the geography of Sea Tac) What will happen to prices? On the other hand, what will happen to the economics of people who DO find work in Sea Tac?

Monday, November 4, 2013

Marijuana Market Poised To Grow Faster Than Smartphones: Report Due 11 Nov 2013. What are the economics implications of a growing marijuana market. Include comments on: federal tax revenue, law enforcement employment, reduction of price, prison costs, and blackmarkets......

Monday, October 21, 2013

Jamie Dimon Complains More, As JPMorgan Chase Losses Eclipse $30 Billion Due 28 Oct 2013. What did JPMorgan do wrong? How much are their current calculated losses and how big of a fine will they have to pay? What is the Volcker Rule and do you think it is a good idea?? How much government control is necessary in a free market economy?

Friday, October 11, 2013

JP Morgan Chase Sells Off All Short-Term Government Debt DUE 21 OCT 2013. Why do banks invest in US bonds in the first place?? Why are the banks selling off their bonds?? What does the impending debt ceiling have to do with selling off the bonds?? Is the US Economy in trouble?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Government Shutown Trickle-Down Due 14 Oct 2013. What do you think about this partial list?? Can we do without all the items on this list?? Should we make the list permanent?? Name 3 items on this list that you would NOT cut.....

Monday, September 30, 2013

The Growing Burden of College Fees Due 7 Oct 2013. What are the causes of fee increases?? What are the back end opportunity costs of not having an affordable university system??

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

How a Shutdown could affect the Economy Due 30 Sep 2013. Discuss economic costs of an government shutdown....

Friday, September 13, 2013

Pay Gap Between 1 Percent And Everybody Else Reaches Widest Point Since 1920s Due 23 Sep 2013. Analyze the chart. What are your impressions of the policy results for each President? Who was most successful; who was not? What events hindered their progress or their lack thereof??

Welcome to the New Guilded Age Due 23 Sep 2013. What are the repercussions of having income inequality at these levels? What policy changes would you suggest??

Friday, September 6, 2013

Love for Labor Lost Due 16 Sep 2013. Do the people in the US respect those who labor?? Does the Congress respect laborers, according to Krugman?? What is Krugman's rationale for this problem? Why has "Labor Day" lost it's original meaning?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

America, Syria, Chemical Weapons ... Due 6 Sep 2013. What are the "backend costs" of going going into Syria? Analyze the situation with some cost-benefit analysis and discuss what we will give up to bomb Syria? What will be our benefits??