Friday, September 13, 2013

Pay Gap Between 1 Percent And Everybody Else Reaches Widest Point Since 1920s Due 23 Sep 2013. Analyze the chart. What are your impressions of the policy results for each President? Who was most successful; who was not? What events hindered their progress or their lack thereof??


  1. Clinton appears to be the most successful because everyone was making money during that era until the recession. Due to the tax increase that Clinton pushed, the economy boomed temporarily. Clinton left office in the middle of a recession and that is when Bush came in. Bush tried to spread the money evenly by pushing tax cuts, but then government revenues went down. I believe Obama was the least successful of the three because he came in during the Great Recession and has not been able to control the income inequalities at all.

  2. The most Successful President had to be Clinton he had the bottom 99 % at 20% growth and the difference between the two are not that significance may people had jobs during the Clinton era and were spending money and making money. The Bush era was not that successful only the top 1% was making a real income and by the time the Great Recession came the bottom 99 were in the negative. I believe the Obama era is not doing so good either the bottom 99 is not even making 1% income while the top 1% is making up to 80% real income.

  3. President Clinton was most successful. The economy was more balanced. President Obama seems to be the least successful but that is due to the great recession before his presidency he was left with a big mess to clean up. Events that hindered their progress were events such as the great recession during the recession the bottom 99 were negative.

  4. I believe the graph accurately illustrates the fact that the gap between the top 1% and the 99% has clearly been growing in the past 20 years. The Clinton administration had the advantage of the technology boom of the 90s to help, yet that same boom also helped cause the 2000- 2002 recession. However, The Bush administration did a seemingly good job of getting the country to recover, even though the war in Afghanistan/Iraq probably didn't make it difficult for the country to slip into an even greater "recession". In my opinion, President Obama's recovery data is impressive considering that the bottom 99%'s growth was -10% and the top 1%'s growth at nearly -40%. I also believe that because of what Berkeley's Emmanuel Saez had to say about the surging income of the rich being partially because of the cashing in of stocks to avoid new taxes, the growth might have been hindered to a degree.

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  6. Obviously, President Clinton was the most successful. Him and his VP launched a plan that will increase the employment rate and have a low inflation rate. He opened up 22 million NEW jobs and establish a fiscal discipline. I'm actually really impressed that he was able to handle the economy and knew what to do. No one was happy with Clinton's choices but it gave us a strong economy

    The most unsuccessful was Bush because he put America in the Great "Recession". This was the worst Recession we had since the Great Depression. Obama started on a bad term because he held responsibility for Bush who put us in Recession. A lot of people think the war in Iraq is the reason for our debt, but it was really the house bubble. My impression of Obama's plan is not as great as I think of Clinton. I mean, Clinton's plan worked out well, so Obama should recover by using Clinton's plan. Lower Federal Gov't spending and open more foreign markets for Americans.

  7. President Clinton was the most successful no doubt about his polices were clean and simple

  8. Bill Clinton was the most successful, he had the lowest unemployment and people was were working and economy flowing. Then George Bush came into office at a time were it began to go downhill, and I personally believe George Bush didn't make it any better. There was many problems and finally when our current president Barack Obama came into office the United States was under a great recession. He was the least successful to me; It's pretty hard to come into office and fix all the problems we have so quickly, and I don't believe pour problems will all be solved by end of Barack Obama's term.

  9. President Clinton was the most successful out of the rest of the presidents, because he had a plan to increase employment, therefore having the economy flow smoothly. He also had a 20% growth. He pushed out new opportunities for people the get jobs and increase the economy, he knew exactly what to do, maybe he didn't but he sure knew how to handle the situation. The best thing he did was give people jobs, that's the problem we have today, the percentage of unemployment is ridiculous, and only the rich are making the money. Bill Clinton, was definitely the most successful.

  10. Clinton was obviously the better of the three when it comes to policies. Under his reign the economy had more growth and even though the top 1% was making a lot more, the 99% was making decent amount of money. The worst of the three is clearly Bush as depicted by the chart both the 1% and 99%'s income dropped severely. When Obama came into office he came into a economy in shambles after Bush was done with it. He had find ways to revive the economy after the Great Recession but he is also lacking in ability to do so.

  11. President Clinton was the most successful one out of the other two presidents. President had the highest top 1% incomes real growth. President Obama had the lowest 1% incomes real growth. After World War II, the gap between the rich and the poor narrowed. Even though, during the great recession the fraction of total growth (or loss)by top 1% was low. President Obama was able to bring it up, but the top 1% incomes real growth went down. He found a way to make the economy better after everything that happened during the great recession.

    1. Based on the chart most people will view it as Clinton being the most successful president of the three. I also agree, Clinton had lowered the unemployment rate and have a low inflation rate. That fact only is enough to put Clinton in a better light than Bush and Obama to the U.S citizens. During his time in the white house more people were able to feed their families and make a more comfortable lives for themselves and their families. All that cease when the great recession came in the year of 2000-2002. The average real family incomes grew by 16.1 percent but 65 percent of that growth accried to the top 1% while only 35% of that growth accried to the bottom 99% of U.S families. Only 1% of U.S families are living in luxuries while the others are barely keeping up; this was the situation during Bush's and Obama's years in the White House . In Bush case the percent in unemployment increases by 32% or so, but things got better during the Great Recession when when the recession officially ended in June 2009 but as always the 1% was the main benifactures, because 95% percent of the income gains reported since 2009 has gone in the bank accounts of the top 1%. In 2009 continue during Obama's years in the White House things got worst instead of improving. I don't blame Obama because During Bush time things didn't recovered completely fro the recession and Obama had to deal with that; either it would have improved or get worst.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. According to the chart, the most successful is President Clinton because during his era, the top 1% incomes real growth was the highest and apparently President Obama is the least successful. My impression of the policy results of the presidents is that they each had a different plan or maybe used different resources. I think that maybe in Obama's case, it's the Great Recession in 2007-2009 that hindered his progress. However, it's crazy and shocking of how high our income inequality is right now. Notice that in the article, it said: "America's top earners tend to be highly paid executives or entrepreneurs – the "working rich" – instead of elites who enjoy lives of leisure on inherited wealth, Saez wrote in a report that accompanied the new analysis." That shows us the importance for everybody to go out there and start investing but first thing first would be to get employed.

  13. Well I was surpised at how the presidents in general were able to do some changes after such impactive "recessions".President Clinton was the most successful with President Obama in the lead. President Clinton was able to get the bottom 99% percent to have a growth and the fraction of total growth captured by the 1% lower. But President Obama can become #1 after bringing up those percentages from the negatives and still has more time to recover. President Obama also has to deal with the recession that occured right after the Bush expansion.

  14. When I think about it in a market economy this would be perfectly fine. Seeing the America isn't exaclty a market economy one would assume that changes would be made to keep an upper class not a richer than god class and a such tight budget class that pants might not be in the budget. I find it troubling that even with a goal of being in the middle class one still might not reach their goal. Taxes honestly aren't the answer to everything. Yes they would be a contribution to the solution, but other regulations have to be set in order to prevent people with getting away with not giving good job benefits and firing people in order to avoid giving pensions. It is an issue that can fixed and is being fixed but rebuilding the middle class won't be as easy as destroying it.

  15. President Clinton was the most successful because while he was in power, the economy grew as he made new jobs to lower unemployment, while also lowering inflation. While his personal choices hindered him in the long run, his economic polices were very good. The worst would have to be Bush because he totally destroyed most of what clinton put in place and put the country into recession. Because of Bush's mistakes, president Obama was left to clean up the mess, but it isnt easy. Finally, we are beginning to see some progress.

  16. President Clinton accomplished the most I believe, because when he was still in office everyone was making money, not like today.
    He lowered unemployment rates and decreased inflation. I don't believe Obama is the worst because we were in this "Great Recession" when he came in office and his time is not over yet, so I believe Bush was the worst. The reason is because he messed up everything President Clinton had done, he tried spreading taxes evenly which obviously didn't turn out the right way.

  17. President Clinton had the most success in his policies which included trying to fix inflation and taxes. President Bush was the least successful, as part of the "Great Recession" that had income and growth losses exceeding any other president in this time period. The Great Recession hindered President Bushes progress in trying to allow growth, and even today President Obama is trying to fix the recession in this period of "recovery".

  18. President Clinton was the most successful. During his time in office, he had the most growth for the most people compared to the other presidents. His policy was to raise taxes, which was a success. Part of his success was that he left in the middle of a recession, and left it for President Bush to handle, whose policy was not as successful. President Obama seems to be the least successful, mostly due to the fact that he is trying to help this country recover from the Great Recession.

  19. According to the charts, President Clinton was most successful of the three. In his time as President he had growth, the top 1% income was at the highest growth and bottom 99% income growth was increasing. He was successful in his time in office. The least successful would have to be Obama from looking at the charts, yes he came into office with a recession, but as a President he should be getting us out of it. Our average income growth is at a all time low. Our unemployment rate is high, we need to solve these problems.

  20. President Clinton was the most successful of the three during his time in office. His policy of raising taxes allowed for the 99% percent to grow more than the other two Presidents. Also, when Clinton left office, he left President Bush in the middle of a recession, and Bush had a difficult time picking up the pieces, especially when 9/11 occurred within his first year. But the charts are showing that President Obama is having the least success. Even though he also went into his Presidency during a recession, it has gotten worse, not better. As President you need to learn to make better decisions for the people as a whole and giving growth for the top 1% isn't helping the country.

  21. President Clinton clearly did the better job and had great expansion for both the average & the elite one percent. In recent years though, the upper 1% has gradually found ways to increase their wealth while the average people are barely increasing their incomes. The drop in 2001 recession really made things slowly down & 9/11 can take respondsibilty for it. Now President Obama has to find a way to slove our new problems and the problems in the former Bush administration

  22. President Clinton was the most successful out of the rest of the presidents, He pushed out new opportunities for people the get jobs and stimulate the economy. Under his reign the economy had more growth and even though the top 1% was making a lot more, the 99% was also growing. The worst of the three is clearly Bush. When Obama came into office he came into an economy that needed repair as a result of President Bush’s decision of going into the Middle East. He had find ways to revive the economy after the Great Recession but he has also failed to do so thus far.

  23. According to the given results, it seems that President Clinton was the most successful president out of the other three during his time of office. One of the many things that he accomplished while in office was raising the taxes which allowed for the 99 percent to grow more than it ever did for the other two presidents. President Clinton was also able to leave at a very good time, leaving many stresses such as the recession and the terrorist attack of 9/11 to President George Bush. Even with all of these postivies and negatives, President Obama seems to be having less success than the other two. Although he went into a presidency where there was a recession, the problem has gotten worse and has not even improved the slightest bit.

  24. Out of all three presidents, yes Clinton was probably the best one for America's economy. Yet it seems that Bush had kicked Obama out of the race with Clinton, due to the fact that Obama had to clean up everything that happened in the great recession. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was America's economy. It will probably take a good few years till we can think about getting back to where we used to be. (Even if we are in line for another stock market crash). Even if Obama has a lot to make up for because of the great recession, as charts show, he was the one who made the greatest growth out of them all.

  25. Showed by the charts, President Clinton was the most successful. While the bottom 99 percent income growth increased, the top one percent was at its highest growth ever. This would've made him the most successful in office. And the least successful President according to the charts was Obama, he did make a lot of growth but he came into office during a recession, he should be working our way out of it. If the top one percent income is growing and the bottom 99 is decreasing we should be concerned. It seems as though Obama is trying, but not hard enough. I'm not saying Obama is a bad president, I am saying that out of the other two presidents shown in the charts he's the least successful economically right now.

  26. Out of the three presidents listed in the article, Clinton probably did the most to help America's economy. The nineties was a period of superior economic growth in America; President Clinton's administration was partially responsible for this. He did many actions that helped stabilize the economy and prepared it for growth. The financial recession of 2001 was the result of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, not by George W. Bush's efforts, although President Bush seemed to placed the US economy in turmoil in his later years. President Obama seems to be "cleaning" up after President Bush's mess.

  27. I believe the most successful of the presidents in the chart was Clinton and the least successful of the presidents was Obama. Events that hindered some of their progress could be events such as 9/11 and the two recessions that occurred between 2000-2002, and 2007-2009

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. President Clinton was the most successful out of the rest of the presidents because his plan help increase the growth of the econmy, therefore having the economy flow smoothly. He also had a grat postive growth. He pushed for new opportunities for people to get jobs and increase the economy he knew exactly what he was doing may. but today the problem we have is that the percentage of unemployment is out of control, and only the rich are making the money. Bill Clinton was hands down the best leader JEFF THOMAS

  30. According to the graph, Clinton appears to be the most successful in helping America. President Clinton helped increase unemployment and help the economic growth of America. Once Clinton left the office, Bush came in. President Bush was the one who came in the middle of a recession. He tried to improve the economy but failed. Obama was the one left fixing the economy, he has not been very successful. The rich has increased, while the poor has not improved. Things didn't seem to have changed for the better

  31. Clinton was much more successful due to the tax increase he demanded for so the economy boosted uup but only temporarily. Because Clinton left and Bush stepped in just in the middle of the recession Bush tried to spread money by pushing for tax cuts but the government revenues went down. Obama wasn't that bad due to the fact he started off a bad note cause the recession Bush put us in.

  32. It's pretty clear that president Clinton was the most successful compared to the other two presidents. although Bush and Obama's policy Numbers are not up to par with Clinton you have to put in account that the chart doesn't show any results from the time period before Clinton's expansion. Obama and bush both did well to get out of the recessions they entered office into. so clearly it was Bush who did not do well in his second term than in his first term.

  33. The most Successful President i think was Clinton he had the bottom 99 % at 20% growth and the difference between the two are not that significant. He was way more successful because of the tax increase it made the economy go up. Bush was the one that was prob the worst. Putting us in a recession and then making Obama "fix it" which isn't doing so good.

  34. According to the graph President Bill Clinton was the most successful. He had the bottom 99% up to 20 percent which was the highest and closest out of any other president. President Bush was president during the recession so the economy was already bad and he spent his time in office attempting to fix it. Obama has also spent his whole time in office fixing it and hasn't had any luck.

  35. The charts effectively portray the policy results for each president. Clinton was most successful based on his strategy to heighten employment. The rich 1% was gaining a substantial amount of money but so was the 99% of the economy. President Bush was the least successful because of the recession preceeding and following his term. Saez's statement that "America's top earners tend to be highly paid executives...", definitely imposed the progress of the economy by stirring emotions of inequality.

  36. president clinton was the most sucessfull, as jobs were created under his presidency and the lower 99 pecent were still making money. the least is president Obama as the bottom 99 percent lost jobs the gap increased between them and the 1 percent. As we know however, Obama inherited a presidency in the midst of an economic depression.

  37. Out of the three presidents on the chart, President Clinton was the most successful. While the upper 1% had a huge increase, the bottom 99% also had a 20% growth. The Bush administration didn't do too well as he entered during the 2001 recession. What hindered him was the 9/11 attack and thrusting the US into war. This caused very little growth for the bottom 99%. Leading us to the Obama administration which according to the chart, is doing the worst. What is hindering him is that he is having to clean up the mess from the Great Recession. While Obama has said that he is going to fix things, according to this chart, very little growth has occurred at all.

  38. The most successful president was and is President Clinton. During his administration the economy and difference between the classes was very close to each other and balanced. Everyone during his time was making money as well as spending their money which helps the economy. This ended when President Bush was in charge. During his era only the top 1% were making a good amount of income and the 99% of the rest of the people were mostly in the negatives when the Great Recession occurred. My opinion is that President Obamas era is the least successful. Right now only the top 1% of people are making income which is more than half of the economy, while everyone else is holding maybe about 20%.

  39. The most successful was Clinton, with the top 1% and 99% in bottom income growth. But the worst I would have to say is obama. He had all these opportunities to try to improve the economy but failed at doing it. We are at what? 8% unemployment? That's nuts! Instead of trying to solve this mess with the economy, we have the media all over the Obama administration for just about everything.. If Clinton got it right and Bush got it kinda right then why can't obama do it right? If he (obama) can't figure out what to do as the president, then he shouldn't be the president... Period

  40. Each president has had a different policy result but Clinton was the most successful. Clinton’s expansion was before the 2001 recession. When Clinton was in office the average incomes real growth was the highest out of all other presidents. Everyone also felt that his tax increase helped the economy. Also the other 99% of the economy was still showing growth, which is definitely a plus. The most unsuccessful would be Bush because his average income real growth decreased by 5%, as well as everything else, BUT Clinton did come in after there was the 2001 recession so I would believe it would be harder for him to fix, considering 9/11 and the amounts of debts it caused. Obama, according to the chart WASN’T so successful as well, hence he had to come into office during a Great Recession and fix double the numbers that had happened during the 2007 recession. It takes time to recovery from a recession, a long time.

  41. President Clinton was the most successful because both the upper 1 % and the bottom 99% were doing well. There was a gap between the rich and the poor but it wasn't as noticeable as it is today because the poor was doing well. The employment rate was high and people were spending more money that help the economy flow. During Bush's presidency, the nation was under a recession so things went downhill for both the poor and the rich. Personally, i think he was the most unsuccessful because of all the money he spent on unnecessary wars. Obama stepped in with the hope of recovering, unfortunately that never happened. During Obama things went and still are out of control. He's face with the highest unemployment rates and left to resolve all of Bush's screw ups. I can't see him resolving any of this and bring the economy back to a stable point. Especially with all the pressure and all these people that do nothing but reject his bills in the congress

  42. President Clinton was the best president during his presidency he the market, the rich and the poor were both high an doing well at that time. i believe Bush is who messed up the economy and the problem was shoved on Obama and there isn't much he can do in such a short time. it can take a day for the market to crash but it would be rebuild right away. i think that Obama is doing the best he can with the short time he is given and the work he is doing now is probably going to show up in the later year.

  43. My impressions for each president’s policy results are based on their outcome in office. I feel that Obama who cares for the 99 percent is trying, but not succeeding due to the slump that Bush created for him to clean up. For bush you can clearly tell where his mind set was intended for, the wealthy. And Clinton somewhat helped the majority of the population but not close to the 1 percent. The most successful though ought to be Clinton. He had somewhat control for both the 99 percent and 1 percent. In his expansion we were above 40% while the 1 percent was about 100%. That created a major difference for the majority during his expansion. The events that have hindered the progress would be Bush’s influence in the recession after his reign. This eventually was left for Obama to solve.

  44. Out of all the presidents Bill Clinton was the most successful in dealing with the economy. During his presidency, the bottom 99% of the population actually grew a significant amount and even the wealthy got wealthier. President Obama is the one who has has the least amount of luck in dealing with the economy. There is no growth in the 99% of the population and minimal growth in the 1% of population. I think this is mostly in due to President Bush who misused the money he had during his presidency by spending it on unnecessary things such as invading Iraq . President Obama has simply been trying to alleviate the economy however; there is not enough money or support to do so.

  45. According to the charts, President Clinton was the most successful of the three during this time. His policy of raising taxes was successful because it led to an extreme growth for the 99%. Another reason for his success was that he left during the middle of a recession which Bush was left to handle. President Bush has a difficult time doing this because of the tragic events occurring at the time such as 9/11. On the other hand, the charts show that President Obama is having the least success. The main problem for him was getting us out of the recession and as president it is his duty to make it better not worse. Therefore, recovering from a recession is not an easy task. Overall my impressions for Obama would be that he is trying to get us out of the recession but is having a difficult time in doing so. I would say that Bush was mainly concerned with the rich and also was not successful in clearing up the recession. However, out of the three Clinton was the most prosperous because he helped most of the population.

  46. President Clinton was the most successful out of the rest of the presidents because his plan help increase the growth of the econmy. While the bottom 99 percent income growth increased, the top one percent was at its highest growth ever. This would've made him the most successful as president. The worst of the three is clearly Bush. When Obama came into office he came into an economy that needed repair as a result of President Bush’s decision of going into the Middle East.
    Kevin Pestana P.5

  47. Clinton appears to be the most successful because everyone was making money during that era until the recession.While the bottom 99 percent income growth increased, the top one percent was at its highest growth ever. Another reason for his success was that he left during the middle of a recession which Bush was left to handle. President Bush has a difficult time doing this because of the tragic events occurring at the time such as 9/11. I think that Obama is doing the best he can with the short time he is given and the work he is doing now is probably going to show up in the later year.

  48. Clinton appears to be the most successful. Due to the tax increase that Clinton pushed, the economy boomed temporarily. During his presidency, the bottom 99% of the population actually grew a significant amount and even the wealthy got wealthier. During Obama things went and still are out of control. He's face with the highest unemployment rates and left to resolve all of Bush's screw ups. However, out of the three Clinton was the most prosperous because he helped most of the population.
