Monday, November 18, 2013

Elizabeth Warren Slams Regulators for Keeping Banks "Too Big to Fail" Due 25 November 2013 at 6am. What is "Too Big To Fail?" Why is Elizabeth Warren concerned about it? How does she propose reducing the size of banks? What do YOU think should be done??


  1. "Too Big To Fail" is the idea that certain financial institutions are central to the operation of the economy as well as interconnected and that their failure would be disastrous to the economy. Elizabeth Warren is concerned about it because it could tear our economy apart in moments and our money will not hold as high of a value. Her proposal of reducing bank sizes is by creating a new Glass-Steagall Act that would try to reduce failures of banks by protecting deposits, and providing help no matter what state our economy is in. I feel that we should give this act a try because it may make a difference in our economy and protect our currency's value.

  2. “Too Big to Fail” is a term that refers to the 5 largest financial institutions that hold more than half of the total banking assets in the US. These institutions own so much that taking a loss or a minor cut back would not affect them negatively due to expected revenue and support that they will receive from government assistance. But if they do plummet the economy will fall right behind them. Elizabeth Warren is concerned because regulators are not fulfilling the duties of their occupation. If they were doing such then these institutions would not own the profit in the banking assets as they do now. Warren proposes to reduce the size of banks by enforcing the Glass Stegall Act which will attack the “too big to fail” description of these financial institutions. I feel that Warren is right in the action she feel will solve the problem as described in the article of what the act will regulate I feel that it will suffice the situation. I support the decision of Warren.

  3. According to the article, "Too Big To Fail" is the idea that certain financial institutions are so central to the operation of the economy that if their balance sheets collapse, the US government must step in to keep them solvent and prevent a system-wide collapse. Elizabeth Warren is concerned about it because Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the agency she conceived of, has met its deadlines for writing rules. She feels that we should not accept a financial system that allows the biggest banks to emerge from a crisis in record-setting shape while working Americans continue to struggle and that we should not accept a regulatory system that is so besieged by lobbyists for the big banks that it takes years to deliver rules and then the rules that are delivered are often watered-down and ineffective. In the article she said: "What we need is a system that puts an end to the boom and bust cycle. A system that recognizes we don't grow this country from the financial sector, we grow this country from the middle class." She proposes reducing the size of banks with the 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act instead of relying on regulators to write strict rules. I think that Elizabeth Warren has her reasons to be feeling this way when it comes to regulators not doing their jobs correctly. Perhaps, Warren's plan could actually work and it will attack both 'too big' and 'to fail' as expected.

  4. "Too Big To Fail" is an idea that some financial institutions are so interconnected and influential to the way the economy functions that if they failed, the economy would be seriously affected. Elizabeth Warren is concerned about it because these institutions have too much power. They could ruin the economy anytime, and lessen the value of our currency. She proposes reducing the size of banks through the Glass-Steagall Act. This would lower the possibility of a bank failing by protecting deposits as well as aiding the economy in any situation. I would agree with Elizabeth Warren since it could help protect the economy from any collapses and hopefully keep the value of our currency stable.

  5. "Too Big to fail" is a reference to the biggest financial institutions that take care of the banking aspect of life in the United States and are basically the center of the US economy.If these institutions fall then the economy declines. Elizabeth Warren is concerned because these institutions hold too much authority. She proposes reducing the size of banks by emphasizing the Glass Stegall Act which will go against the "too big to fail" saying. I would definitely agree with Warren because it most probably would keep the economy stable and prevent future catastrophes.

  6. “Too big to fail” is the idea that certain financial institutions are so central to the operation of the economy that if, like AIG in 2008, that if their balance sheets collapse, the US government must step in to keep them solvent and prevent a system-wide collapse. Elizabeth is concerned about it because she believes that such ideals keeps banks from being responsible and banks therefore do risky business. Elizabeth proposes "The new Glass-Steagall Act in order to reduce the size of banks. It would attack both 'too big' and 'to fail." It would reduce failures of the big banks by making banking boring, protecting deposits, and providing stability to the system even in bad times. And it would reduce 'too big' by dismantling the changing they system to that banks are not too big to manage. I agree with Elizabeth, that banks sizes should be reduced, if a corporation knows that in can do whatever it wants, and even if it fails the government will come to its rescue, leads to bad business. By implementing her plan it would help prevent another financial crisis.

  7. So this slogan "Too big to fail" is stating that some banks and other financial businesses are so meaningful to our banking system that without some of these businesses, our money wont be worth as much as they are today and our economy would be terrible. Elizabeth Warren is so concerned about this because these financial institutions have way too much power and could create a great depression with one little mistake. Elizabeth Warren states one way she could lessen the banks is by using the Glass-Steagall Act, which will lower the failure in banks by protecting the deposits and withdrawals that are made. I do agree with what she thinks and what she would do to fix it.

  8. "Too big to fail" is a term used to describe certain financial institutions so vital to the economy that they must be bailed out if they are in a position to collapse. This keeps banks from having to be responsible which gives them the ability to make risky business moves which can put them at risk and can furthermore disrupt parts of the economy and could even cause it to collapse if done on a large scale. Elizabeth Warren thinks that a "New Glass-Steagall Act" can reduce the size of banks and help reduce business failures by adding stability to banking and protecting deposits. I believe that banks should be reduced in order to fix the "too big to fail" problem because banks have too much power as it is, and they need to be leveled out in order to protect our economy.

  9. To big to fail i the idea that a cmpany or corporation is to big to fail, Ms. Warren is worried because this t big to fail idea is cauing many banks to do many risk in the company that is not helping the economy, she wans to bring in a new glass- steagall act that will make banking boring, protecting deposits, and providing stability to the system even in bad times. I do agree with ms. Warren because the way banksare hanlding there money it is affecting our economy in a bad way and it is not hleping up reover in a tie whne we need too

  10. "Too Big To Fail?" is the idea that certain financial institutions are so central to the operation of the economy that their balance sheets could collapse. Elizabeth Warren is concerned about it because it could destroy our encomony and our money will start to lose value. She proposes to reduce the size of banks by using the new Glass-Steagall Act which will provide stability to the system even in bad times. I think that their should be something done so that regulators have to follow the rules and cant miss the deadlines, whats the point of having rules if half of them do not follow them. I think Ms. Warren has the right head on her shoulders and I believe the new Glass-Steagall Act will help.

    1. "Too Big To Fail" is the idea that certain financial institutions are so central to the operation to the economy that if, likeAIG in 2008, their balance sheets collapse. Elizabeth Warren is concerned because the problem has gotten worse since the recession. Based on the fact that "today, the four biggest banks are 30 percent larger than they were five years ago , and the five largest banks now hold more than half of the total banking assets in the country." In order to reduces the size of banks Warren proposes the 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act, "that would force commercial financial institutions to wall off standard bank deposits from the riskier activities of investment banking.I'm not completely sure that Warren proposal is effective, but I think it's one way to go.

  11. When people say "Too big to fail" they are referring to banks that are essential to our economy and will damage the economy should they fail. Warren is concerned because she thinks banks should not be this powerful and in her view the economy shouldn't be growing from the boom and bust cycle of banks but instead should grow from the middle class. Her solution to the problem is to push the 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act which will force commercial financial institutions to wall off standard bank deposits from riskier activities of investment banking and would attack the "Too big to fail" banks. I agree with her proposal and I think these banks need to be downgraded in power.

  12. According to the article, "Too Big To Fail" is the idea that certain financial institutions are so central to the operation of the economy that if their balance sheets collapse, the US government must step in to keep them solvent and prevent a system-wide collapse. Warren is concerned because she thinks banks should not be this powerful and in her view the economy shouldn't be growing from the boom and bust cycle of banks but instead should grow from the middle class. Her solution is to reduce the size of banks by using the new Glass-Steagall Act which will provide stability to the system even in bad times.

    - Krystel Blot

  13. "Too Big To Fail?" is an idea that says that certain financial institutions are so central to the operation of the economy that if their balance sheets collapse, the US government must step in to keep them solvent and prevent a system-wide collapse. Elizabeth Warren is concerned about this because she thinks banks are way more powerful then they really should be. She believes it can potentially destroy our economy. She proposes to reduce the size of banks by using the new glass-steagall act. The glass-steagall act will wall off standard bank deposits and reduce the banks power. I think this sounds like a fairly logical idea because banks are way too powerful. anything really seems like a good option to me.

  14. This phrase, "Too Big To Fail?", refers to the assumption that if a certain financial institutions that is considered to be central to the operation of the economy were to have their balance sheets collapse, the US government must step in to keep them solvent and prevent a system-wide collapse. Elizabeth seems to be concerned about this certain factor because she comes from a protection bureau that writes it's rules on time, yet other federal agencies seem to be slacking, and that most likely causes many problems.
    Elizabeth warren proposes that, if she wants to reduce the size of banks, she'll have to push the Glass-Steagall Act. An act that will both protect deposits, and provide stability to the system even in bad times. I believe that this act should continue to be pushed further and enforced by many, if not, new rules need to be written by the procrastinating agencies.

  15. "Too Big To Fail" is the idea that certain financial institutions are so central to the operation of the economy that if their balance sheets collapse, the US government must step in to keep them solvent and prevent a system-wide collapse. If these institutions fall then the economy declines. Elizabeth Warren is concerned because these institutions hold too much authority. She proposes reducing the size of banks by emphasizing the Glass Stegall Act which will go against the "too big to fail" saying. I do agree with ms. Warren because the way banksare hanlding there money it is affecting our economy in a bad way and it is not hleping up reover in a tie whne we need too

  16. Basically, "Too big to fail" is a term used for certain financial that are so vital to the economy that they must be bailed out if they are in a situation near collapse. Elizabeth Warren is concerned about this because she feels like as if the problem has actually gotten worse since the recession began. She believes that banks are actually more powerful than they should be. She want to reduce the size of banks by proposing the Glass-Steagall Act, the act would reduce failures of the big banks by making banking boring, protecting deposits, and providing stability to the system even in bad times. I think that her idea is actually a good idea considering banks are actually more powerful than they should be.

  17. The term, "Too big to fail", refers to the big financial institutions, in which the big banks are central in our economy. If they get too big and are too much to handle, they will eventually collapse, thus our economy will fall. Elizabeth is concerned because since our last recession, the "Too big to fail" has been happening more often. This has not been improving at all, and its forbidding the economy from advancing. What she has in mind is reducing the sizes of the banks by creating a new Glass-Steagull Act. Which will try to lessen the chances of a bank failing through protecting the deposits and aid the economy in any state of situation. I tend to agree with what Elizabeth Warren is trying to do. She is actually trying to something about these "Too big to fail" situations, and she is catching everyone's attention to see what is really happening.

  18. The term "Too big to fail" represents the idea of how some banks are just so crucial to our economy that if they failed, then our economy would come crashing down with it. Elizabeth Warren is concerned about this because it makes us extremely dependent on these banks who are doing whatever they want with their money, since they will be backed by government assistance. Warren proposes a new Glass Steagall Act that would reduce the sizes of those banks. It would also stop those banks from investing in risky activities which would establish a more stable banking institution. I think this Glass Steagall Act will solve a lot of banking issues in our economy today and that it should be pursued.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. The term “Too big to fail” refers to the idea that some financial institutions are so central to the operation of the economy that if they were to collapse then the US government would have to take actions and step in to prevent the collapse of the economy. Elizabeth warren is concerned because she sees that regulators are not cooperating with the deadline and doing what they are supposed to be doing. She also sees that Congress does little to regulate and bring a fix to this problem. She believes they do not understand the drastic consequences that their actions–or lack thereof—can do to our economy. Elizabeth Warren proposes the idea of reducing size by forming a new Glass-Steagall Act to reduce the failures of banks. I agree with what Elizabeth warren is proposing, it shows that she cares about our economy and its efficiency. I also like that she sees the importance of the middle class and through her act, she can bring forth a solution to our problems and alleviate the American economy.

  21. According to the article, "Too big to fail" is the idea that certain financial institutions are so central to the operation of the economy that if their balance sheets collapse, the US government must step in to keep them solvent and prevent a system-wide collapse. Elizabeth Warren is concerned about it because the problem has actually gotten worse since the recession begin. Bank consolidation is even more pronounced five years post-crash. She propose reducing the seize of banks by making banking boring, protecting deposits, and providing stability to the system even in bad times. I think she should go with the idea because it might solve our problems more and maybe our recession won't be worse than it is now.

  22. “Too Big to Fail” refers to certain financial institutions that the economy depends on to function. These five large institutions credit for most of the assets in our United States bank. Since these financial institutions are so major if a minor financial cut would to occur, the institution would not have that of a great affect. The U.S. government depends on them and would provide support. On the other hand, if the financial institutions were to take a huge hit and fall, so would the government, and so would the economy. Elizabeth Warren is concerned because the economy can easily plummet and our money supply will lose its value. It's highly risky to rely on financial institutions to support our government. Warren proposes to reduce the size of banks by enforcing the Glass Stegall Act, which will contradict the “too big to fail" phenomenon. This means that our assets will be protected and the economy will remain stable under crisis. I agree with Warren's because it is important to keep our economy under stable conditions and our money supply from losing its value.

  23. "Too big to fail" is the idea of how some of our banks are just so important to our economy that if they failed, then our economy would come crashing down with it. Our economy depends on these banks. Elizabeth Warren is worried that we're so dependent on these banks and the regulators are not meeting the deadline. Elizabeth Warren proposes a new Glass Steagall Act that'll reduce the size of the huge banks, it'll reduce the failures of the bank. I agree with Elizabeth Warren, I don't think that the banks should have all the power that they do have, they manipulate. The economy needs to be stabilized to avoid inflation, money losing its value. If Elizabeth Warren's proposal doesn't go through then the banks are just going to keep getting more and more power over us causing money to lose its value.

  24. "Too Big To Fail" means that the corporation is so crucial that if it were to go bankrupt, the entire country would be at risk of crumbling so in an effort to save the country, the government would bail out the company. Elizabeth Warren is concerned because the entire country's economy is in the hands of these big banks and one mistake may have devastating repercussions. To solve the issue, warren proposed a new Glasss-Steagall Act which would take some power away from the banks. I believe Warren is right because i personally dont trust the banks and i dont think they should have the power that they have.

  25. The term "too big to fail" refers to the idea that certain financial institutions are so central to the operation of the economy that if their balance sheets collapse, the US government must step in to keep them solvent and prevent a system-wide collapse. Elizabeth Warren is concerned about it because it could effect the failure of the economy as well. She pushed the 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act, a bill that would force commercial financial institutions to wall off standard bank deposits from the riskier activities of investment banking. I think that Mrs.Warren knows what she is doing, and should be trusted with this kind of situation as trying to force them to stop being so risky for the sake of the United States' economy.

  26. The term too big to fail refers to the idea that certain financial institutions are so central to the operation of the economy that if their balance sheets collapse, the US government must step in to keep them solvent and prevent a system-wide collapse. Elizabeth Warren is concerned because the entire country's economy is in the hands of these big banks and one mistake may have devastating repercussions. Elizabeth Warren proposes a new Glass Steagall Act that'll reduce the size of the huge banks, it'll reduce the failures of the bank. I agree with Elizabeth Warren, I don't think that the banks should have all the power that they do have, they manipulate. it is important to keep our economy under stable conditions and our money supply from losing its value.

  27. The term "Too Big Too Fail" refers to the idea that if one of the five largest finical institutions that are considered to be the main operation system of the economy because, they hold more than half of the U.S.'s total banking assets, so they are so large that they would never fail basically. Any major loss or cut in their assets would not effect them too much because they already hold so much of the money in the economy, that is why they would "never fail" because of all the government assistance that they receive. If anything should happen that they do fail, it will being down the whole economy of the country. Elizabeth Warren is concerned with the fact that government agencies are not doing their job on time and regulating these banks properly. Warren wants the Glass-Stegall Act to be active in order to reduce the size of these banks, in order to stabilize the system. I believe that Warrens' idea is very good, because this will allow the power of the banks to be split into segments so that not just 5 of them hold all the power or money, in order to avoid a crash in the country if they do fail and, that the agencies will be doing their job in a timely manner.

  28. Well, first of all. I don't trust banks to begin with.. but anyway.

    "Too Big to fail" is a term referred to as the biggest financial institution that controls banking in the United States and is the center of the US economy.If this institution falls then the economy falls. Elizabeth Warren is concerned because this institution holds too much power and is authoritarian. She(Warren) proposes reducing the size of banks by emphasizing the Glass Stegall Act which will go against the "too big to fail". I am in favor of Ms.Warrens proposal of a down size of a bank/banks. But, to a certain extent.. Of course, in my right leaning independent ways. I'd prefer to have a system of freedom. In a way that represents little to no government control and in a way that banks don't become totalitarian in their way of a "big bank mentality" to become bigger than life itself.

  29. “Too big to fail” refers to the idea that some financial institutions are central to the operation of the economy that if they collapsed, then the US government would have to take actions and step in to prevent the economy to collapse. Elizabeth Warren is concerned about it because its affecting our economy and has gotten worse. she propose reducing the size of banks by the new Glass-Steagall Act It would reduce failures of the big banks by protecting deposits, and providing stability to the system even in bad times. And it would reduce 'too big' by taking apart the behemoths, so that big banks would still be big but not as much. I agree with Warren because the banks have too much power, our economy needs to be stable, and we need the middle class.

  30. Too Big to Fail is the idea that financial institutions are too important to the economy that if they crashed, the government would have to bail them out in order to keep the economy working. Elizabeth Warren is concerned about this because this causes banks to have too much power. They are allowed to take risks and have almost 0 repercussions because they know the government will bail them out if the risk is for the worse. She proposes to reduce the size of banks by pushing the 21st Century Glass Steagall Act. I think this act should be put into place so that the government isn't controlled by banks who think that they can do whatever they want.

  31. Too Big to Fail, is the idea that certain financial institutions are so central to the operation of the economy that if they fail, the US. government must step in to help prevent wide-range crash. Elizabeth is obviously concerned because bank have been having too many crsashes. When these bank warn that they are ogoing to crash, the government of course have to step in to help. Tehy are taking advantage of the system while the working class is struggling to pay taxes that can cover these baks' failures. She sugest that the banks' sizes may be reduced through the 21st century Glass Steagall act. i think she's right because if the sizes of banks is reduce, when there's a crash, smaller amount of money will be distributed to that bank.

  32. Sentor Elisabeth Warren is mad that congress is poorly regulating the activities of banks. She feels as banks are so much a part of our economy that if one was to go down it would destroy us. Hence her saying "too big to fail". There are certain banks so centralized that the government has to keep them a float. Warren suggests a new Glass-Stegall act and I believe that it's the right thing to do. The only way to weakend the banks power in this country is to stop their risky behavior with everyone's money. We must go back to investment banks & commercial banks being separate. We can't let them run wild.

  33. "Too Big To Fail" is the idea that certain financial institutions are extremely central to the economy. Their failure could be toxic to our economy if allowed to fail. Elizabeth Warren is concerned about these institutions and the government's involvement with them because she doesn't believe the economy should be dependent on these institutions. Warren suggests reducing the size of big banks with a new Glass- Steagall Act that will take some power away from the banks. I completely agree with this proposition because I think it's pretty plain to see that the banks have far too much power. The government has to step in and take some of it back.

  34. what was "Too Big To Fail"is the idea that certain financial institutions are extremely central to the economy. Elizabeth Warren is concerned because it could tear the economy apart and cause a great depression. She proposes the Glass- Steagall Act that will take away some power from the banks. I agree with that because banks have to much power in my opinion and banks are way to risky with our money.

  35. To big to fail means something has to much power to fail.such as us banks.Elizabeth Warren wants to reinstate the glass steagul act.this would Limit the power of banks.
