Monday, November 18, 2013

Janet Yellen Shames Congress For Austerity, Being Terrible Due 25 November 2013 at 6am. Who is Janet Yellen?? Why does she contend that "belt tightening" is bad?? What does she think Congress SHOULD do?? What is austerity and why does it cause the FED to react in ways differently than the status quo?


  1. Janet Yellen is currently the vice chair of the Federal reserve and who may be taking over Ben Bernanke's place as chair of the FED. She feels like "belt-tightening" is bad because it has cost us roughly 2.5 million jobs during this slow job-market. Yellen expects us to be spending money to stimulate our economy and eventually jobs. She believes that Congress should stop cutting government spending so the stress on the FED is not as severe. Austerity is when something has characteristics of being very strict, and in return, causes the FED to react by "imposing harsh austerity measures on an economy still recovering from a financial crisis and deep recession".

  2. Janet Yellen is the newest chairperson for the upcoming term to serve on the Federal Reserve. Yellen contends that the “belt tightening” has worsened due to the constant reminding of Congress to pass bills and other procedures of that sort. She is coming into a situation that has not been fixed nor seems as if it will, but none the less she is continuing to strive for that goal of breaking tradition. What she thinks congress should do is take action for the government decisions that will best suit the economy rather than put the weight on the Federal Reserve. Austerity is defined as the sternness or severity of manner or attitude. Austerity causes the FED to react in ways different than the status quo due to that fact that Congress has leaned on the Feds in order to get things accomplished. In this article I felt the concern that Yellen has coming into in the upcoming term. She is worried and that is ok I would also be worried with that kind of weight that is going to be thrown at her. All she is trying to do is make sure she isn’t the only one who cares.

  3. Janet Yellen is the Federal Reserve Chairman nominee. She contends that "belt tightening" is bad because it had affected the job-market drastically. In addition, it has hurt economic growth, employment and consumer spending. She thinks Congress should start showing interest and actually help the Fed when they beg for help. Austerity is a situation in which there is not much money and it is spent only on things that are necessary and it is also the sternness of manner when the Fed imposes measures on an economy still recovering from a financial crisis and deep recession. It causes the FED to react in ways differently than the status quo because in the past few years it has come out of a rolling series of debt crises.

  4. Janet Yellen holds a position as the vice chair of the Federal Reserve and may possibly take Ben Bernanke's position as chair of the FED. She contends that "belt tightening" is bad because 2.5 million jobs have been lost so far. She thinks that Congress should not cut government spending so that stress can be taken off of the FED. Austerity is described as governments putting policies in place that may be strict or severe. The FED is trying to cut out luxuries and things that are not necessary. It also causes the FED to react differently by putting strict measures in place on the economy while it is still trying to recover from a recession.

  5. Janet Yellen is a part of the Federal Reserve; she is the newest chairperson to serve on the Federal Reserve. She contends that "belt tightening" is bad because it affected the job market tremendously (it has cost about 2.5 million jobs). She thinks that Congress should not reduce government spending. Austerity is defined as the government establishing policies that are aggressive. Austerity causes the FED to react in ways different than the status quo because they have depended on the feds to get things running.

  6. Janet Yellen is currently the vice chair of the Federal Reserve and will be taking over Ben Bernanke's place as chair of the FED. She says that "belt-tightening" is bad because it had affected the job-market and hurt economic growth, employment and consumer spending. Yellen believes that Congress should encourage an expansionary fiscal policy which includes increased spending, so that the Fed does not have to work so hard. Austerity is when something is very strict; it causes the FED to react by putting strict measures on an economy still recovering from a financial crisis , and puts the work of recovery into the Feds hands.

  7. Janet Yellen is a new nominee to replace Bernanke as chair of the Federal Reserve when his term ends in January. She contend that "belt tightening" is bad because it cost the economy nearly 2.5 million jobs. She thinks that the Congress should help ad care for the economy more than they have been. Austerity describes policies used by governments to reduce budget deficits during adverse economic conditions. These measures were necessitated because of actions these countries took to stimulate their economies. So Janet Yellen is just keeping up what has become a depressing FED tradition. She is begging the Congress for help, and they do not care. All she's trying to do is to get them on board to help the economy.

  8. Janet Yellen will be the New chairman for the Fed after Bernanlke leaves in Janauary, Yellan thinks the belt tightening is not the way to go because it will cause it 2.5 million jobs and she is trying to help economy recover. austerity is sternness or severity of manner or attuide the Fed is not trying to be austerity becuase being so strict and harsh with the economy willl not helo it, MS. Yellan wants congress to do something to have so hand in helping the economy recover

  9. Janet Yellen is going to be replacing Ben Bernanke as chair of the Federal Reserve in January. She states the "belt-tightening" is affecting the economic growth and the job-market. The way she plans on fixing it is by sending the problem to the government and see what they would do to fix the situation instead of putting all the pressure on the FED. Austerity is when the FED reacts to a situation in a way that is not usual.

  10. Janet Yellen is vice chair of the Federal Reserve and will become chair of the Federal reserve in January after Ben Bernanke leaves. She contends that belt tightening is bad because it is affecting the job market after losing almost 2.5 million jobs which leads to a deficit of jobs and hurting economic growth. Janet Yellen believes that Congress should be promoting expansionary fiscal policy which includes lowering taxes and increasing government spending which differs from our current ways of lowering government spending. Austerity is policies to reduce budget deficits such as lowering government spending and increasing taxes. This causes the FED to react in ways differently than the status quo because we are following contractionary spending when we should be following expansionary spending to get us out of the recession.

  11. Janet Yellen is Vice Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve and soon to be Chair of the Federal Reserve when Ben Bernanke leaves. She contend that "belt tightening" is bad because it is said to cost the economy nearly 2.5 million jobs. She thinks Congress should help out and help, not just put it all on the federal reserve. She believes we should increase the government spending and lower taxes for the middle and poor class before we no longer have a middle class. Austerity is the austere act, manner, or attitude and it causes the FED to react in ways differently than the status quo because they have a different view on things. They are doing the opposite of what we should be doing, resulting in their different actions.

    1. Janet Yellen is Vice Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve and she will be the replacement for Chair of the Federal Reserve when Ben Bernanke leaves.She contend that "belt tighening" is bad because it is said to probably cost the economy 2.5 million jobs. According to a recent study bt the Center of American Progress, a liberal tank think--- one huge reason this has been the slowest job-market recovery since World War II. She thinks congress should help by promoting a more supportive fiscal policy. Austerity is policies to reduce budget deficits that has to do with contractionary policy; in lowering government spending, and increasing taxes.It cause the FED to react in ways differently than the status quo because "Fiscal policy has been working at cross puposes to monatery policy." As Janet Stated.

  12. Janet Yellen is the vice chair for the board of governors and the upcoming successor of Bernanke. When she says "Belt tightening" she's talking about the government excessively cutting taxes and government spending which is hurting the economy by decreasing the amount of available jobs and making the recovery sluggish. She wants congress to pass laws that will increase taxes and create jobs by having more government spending. Austerities are difficult economic conditions created by government measures to reduce a budget deficit and the Feds are working differently from the status que because, congress is doing exactly the opposite of what is needed to be done for the economy to recover and the Fed needs to counter it.

  13. Janet Yellen is now holds the vice chair of the Federal Reserve She contends that belt tightening is bad because it is affecting the job market after losing almost 2.5 million jobs which leads to a deficit of jobs and hurting economic growth. Janet Yellen believes that Congress should be promoting expansionary fiscal policy which includes lowering taxes and increasing government spending which differs from our current ways of lowering government spending. Austerity is policies to reduce budget deficits such as lowering government spending and increasing taxes. This causes the FED to react in ways differently than the status quo because we are following contraction spending when we should be following expansionary spending to get us out of the recession.

  14. Janet Yellen holds a position as the vice chair of the Federal Reserve and may possibly take Ben Bernanke's position as chair of the FED. net Yellen believes that Congress should be promoting expansionary fiscal policy which includes lowering taxes and increasing government spending. She wants congress to pass laws that will increase taxes and create jobs by having more government spending. Austerity is policies to reduce budget deficits such as lowering government spending and increasing taxes. that causes the FED to react in ways differently than the status quo because we are following contractionary spending when we should be following expansionary spending to get us out of the recession.

  15. Janet Yellen is the vice chair of the federal reserve. She is possibly about to take over for Ben Bernanke as chair of the federal reserve in January. Janet Yellen believes that "belt tightening" is bad because nearly 2.5 million jobs have been lost. She believes that the congress should be more concerned with our issues and not to leave so much on the federal reserve. Austerity is a set of policies to reduce budget deficits such as lowering government spending. It causes the federal reserve to react differently then the status quo because congress is doing what they know shouldnt be done.

  16. Janet Yellen is the newest chairperson for the upcoming term to serve on the Federal Reserve. Yellen contends that the “belt tightening” has worsened due to the constant reminding of Congress to pass bills and other procedures of that sort. In addition, it has hurt economic growth, employment and consumer spending. She thinks Congress should start showing interest and actually help the Fed when they beg for help. Austerity is a situation in which there is not much money and it is spent only on things that are necessary and it is also the sternness of manner when the Fed imposes measures on an economy still recovering from a financial crisis and deep recession. So Janet Yellen is just keeping up what has become a depressing FED tradition. She is begging the Congress for help, and they do not care. All she's trying to do is to get them on board to help the economy.

  17. Janet Yellen is the vice chair of the Federal Reserve, as well as the next person who will serve as the chair of the Federal Reverse in Ben Bernanke's place. Janet believes that this "belt tightening" is bad because its already cost the economy nearly 2.5 million jobs, and the fact that this is probably the slowest recovery since world war II. Janet believes that congress should start to take action, rather than letting the federal reserve carry the heavy weight. By definition, austerity means policies used by governments to reduce budget deficits during adverse economic conditions/ The FED reacts to this in a certain way because they don't like such strict actions being taken.

  18. Janet Yellen is the Federal Chairman nominee. She will most likely be taking over Ben Bernanke in January. She thinks that "belt-tightening" is whats affected our economic growth, and job market in a negative way. (2.5 Million jobs). She wants to send the problem to congress, and make them care more than they barely do. Get them more involved. Austerity is when something has characteristics of being very strict and in return causes the FED to react by imposing harsh austerity measures on an economy still recovering from a financial crisis and bad recession.

  19. Janet Yellen is currently the Vice Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, and soon to be the Chair after Ben Bernanke’s term ends in January. Yellen contends that “belt-tightening” is bad because it has cost us around 2.5 million jobs and has made this the slowest job-market recovery since WWII. Yellen thinks that congress should help the Federal Reserve instead of making their job harder. She thinks they should stop cutting spending, stop sequestration, and stop raising payroll taxes. Austerity means a severe and rigid economy. Austerity causes the Fed to react differently because it implements all the weight of bettering the economy on them instead of congress.

  20. Janet Yellen is a Federal Reserve Chairman nominee and the vice chair of the Federal Reserve currently. She contends that belt tightening is bad because it cuts spending and it slows down the recovery process. She thinks Congress should advocate spending instead of cutting it to dig us out of the recession. Austerity is the strict characteristics of something; in this case, it would be the policies evoked by Congress. Austerity makes it harder for the Fed to pull the economy out of this recession and that causes them to react differently than the status quo.

  21. Janet Yellen will be the new chairperson for the next term to serve the Federal Reserve, that will take Ben Bernanke's place. She thinks that the "belt-tightening" is affecting the job-market and hurting economic growth, employment and consumer spending. What she believes is that the Congress should encourage an expansionary fiscal policy, that will increase spending. Austerity is the severity of manner, that causes the FED to react in a different way, than the status quo due to that fact that Congress has leaned on the Feds in order for things to be done.

  22. Janet Yellen is the new vice chairsperson of the Federal Reserve, she will be taking Ben Bernake's place. Janet believe that "belt-tightening" is not a good thing because it is affecting jobs and slowing down the recovery process. Janet believes that congress should start to take action, and not the Federal Reserve. Janet is trying so hard to get the governments help but they just don't seem to care. I think that Janet is just trying to help the economy, and the government is so content with their pay check that they don't care about what is hurting anyone else. Austerity is policies to reduce budget deficits such as lowering government spending and increasing taxes, causing the FED to react in ways differently because we are following contractionary spending when we should be following expansionary spending to stabilize the economy and get us out of the recession, not slow us down.

  23. Janet Yellen is the upcoming vice chair of the Federal Reserve who will also be replacing Ben Bernanke's place as chair of the FED. She contends that "belt tightening" is bad because it is affecting our job market drastically and has costed the economy roughly 2.5 million jobs. Yellen considers that Congress should increase government spending rather than decrease it as well as lessening the pressure being put on the FED. Austerity refers to severe economic policies designated to lower budget deficits and cut out unnecessary costs. The FED is trying to impose measures that can help the economy recover during severe times like a recession. The FED reacts differently to the status quo because all the stress is put on the FED to resolve the issue of our failing economy. It makes it even worse when our own government can't admit to being in a recession and pursuing a contrationary policy.

  24. Janet Yellen is the vice chair of the federal reserve and is eligible to take Ben Bernanke's position of chair of the FED. She contends that "belt tightening" isn't good because many many jobs have been lost, 2.5 million. She feels that Congress shouldn't cut government spending so that the FED doesn't bare all the burden. Austerity is the governments putting strict policies in place. She feels that they must stop cutting spending and sequestration, and that they should stop raising payroll taxes.

  25. Janet Yellen is the vice chair of the FED and is in the run for replacing Ben Bernanke's position as chair. She believes that belt tightening is bad because it is cutting jobs from people who need them in a time when unemployment is so high already. She believes congress should stop lowering government spending. Austerity basically means strict and in return, the FED acts in different ways than usual because it is putting extra stress on an economy that is currently trying to recover.

  26. Janet Yellen is Federal Reserve next chairman for the upcoming term. Yellen contends that "belt tightening" has gotten even worse because of the fact that congress is constantly passing bills and other things in a unorganized fashion you can call it. Yet she is still trying her best to fix a situation that seems unfix-able. By going beyond standards that have been used for many years. Yellen believe decisions being made in congress should help benefit the economy and not leaving all pressure and responsibility on the federal reserve. Austerity is a state of harsh and stern actions. where severity is required and austerity has cause the federal reserve to become more stern and hard in there ways and actions of doing things due to fact congress rely on Fed too much. Yellen has a lot of concerns which is natural for the current circumstances and she is going to have a lot of work to do once in office.

  27. Janet Yellen is an American economist is the Vice Chair of the Board of Governors for the Federal Reserve System. She will become the first woman to become the Chairman of the Federal Reserve. She believes the "belt tightening" is bad because it has cost the economy nearly 2.5 million jobs, and has also hurt consumer spending and economic growth. She thinks that Congress should not force the Fed to act and impose such austere measures. Austerity policies, in economics, are used by governments to reduce budget deficits during adverse economic conditions and may include spending cuts, tax increases, or a mixture. The Fed acts differently because they are the ones controlling the money supply, distribution and essentially the economy. They have a lot of power in the economy, and following what Congress says seems to hurt the economy even more. The Fed continually asks for help that they don't even receive.

  28. Janet Yellen is the vice chair of the FED and is in the run for replacing Ben Bernanke's position as chair. She believes that belt tightening is bad because it is cutting jobs from people who need them in a time when unemployment is so high already. Yellen considers that Congress should increase government spending rather than decrease it as well as lessening the pressure being put on the FED. She feels that Congress shouldn't cut government spending so that the FED doesn't bare all the burden. They have a lot of power in the economy, and following what Congress says seems to hurt the economy even more. The Fed continually asks for help that they don't even receive.

  29. Janet Yellen is the Vice Chair of the Board of Governors Federal Reserve System, soon to be chairman. Yellen believes that "belt tightening" is bad for the economy because it has cost the economy about 2.3 million jobs which resulted in a lessening of consumer spending and economic growth. She believes that it has gotten worse because Congress keeps pushing the passing of bills on the FRS. She also believes that Congress should take any actions for the government that is suited enough for the economy to make it better instead of putting all the pressure on the FRS.
    Austreity is something used by the government to reduce the budget deficit by cutting spending and/or increasing taxes. This causes the FRS to act in many different ways because they are the ones who are in control of all the money in the economy. The FRS keeps asking for solutions to the situation that the economy is in but Congress just doesn't want to do anything and what they do doesn't even help to be honest. I believe that Yellen is trying to make the voice of the FRS be heard more than before in order to start getting what needs to be done, done.

  30. Janet Yellen is the vice chair of the Board of Governors and will be replacing Ben Bernanke as chair in the upcoming term. She believes belt tightening is bad because it has lost the economy 2.5 million jobs which makes this one of the slowest job-market recoveries since WW2. She thinks congress should help out the economy and not impose harsh austere measures on the economy. Austerity is used to describe policies that reduce budget deficits. The fed reacts in a different way because congress is putting pressure on them and requires them to continue cutting spending.

  31. Janet Yellen (D) is the vice chair of the FED and will be taking Ben Bernanke's position as head of the FED. Ms.Yellen believes that "Belt Tightening" is substandard, mainly because jobs are being cut and the millions of people layed off isn't helping the situation any better. Yellen believes that if congress spends more, then the FED won't have as much pressure. Truth is someone is still going to pay either way. It can be the FED or it can be congress but, in the end someone still has to pay. Take this into consideration, congress is made up of Republicans & democrats. This means that we will not see a final decision any time soon because it always comes down to this… "Democrats want to spend money, republicans want to save it.." Unless it's a serious ordeal like this topic, then we might get the ball rolling.

  32. Austerity is a term that is used to describe a policy to reduce budget deficits by cutting or increasing taxes (i'd prefer cutting!)

    1. Actually, it's about BALANCING the budget---whatever you do.....instead of using Fiscal Policy to stabilize the economy.

  33. Janet Yellen is the vice chair of the Federal Reserve System. She believes that belt tightening is bad because it has cost the economy nearly 2.5 million jobs, which has hurt our economic growth. she thinks the government should increase spending not lowering it because it's making it harder for the Fed to get the economy moving. Austerity is the measures taken by governments and to reduce spending. It causes the FED to react different ways, because the congress has forced the FED to act by harsh Austerity measures on an economy still recovering from a crisis and deep recession.

  34. Janet Yellen is the nominated new Chairman of the FED. She went on about how congress is doing absolutely nothing and when they actually do pass a bill, it only slows down the economy. That's what she means by belt tightening. Austerity is reacting to a certain situation. Since congress is not doing anything to help the economy. The FED has to do anything possible that isn't necessarily normal, to try to get the economy moving. I feel that the fiscal policy is changing the monetary policy way too much and is affecting how the FED operates.

  35. Janet Yellen is the vice chair of the Federal Reserve and she may be taking Ben Bernanke's place as the actual chair of the Federal Reserve. When Yellen talks about "Belt tightening" she's she is referring to the government continuing to cut taxes and government spending which decreases the amount of available jobs and slows our recovery. Austerity is when the economy becomes difficult to like in because the government has chosen to do things like reduce the budget deficit. The Fed is working differently than the status quo and because they are doing exactly the opposite of what congress has been doing (which is absolutely nothing beneficial to our economy). I know that we should really start implementing expansionary policies, but I'm not sure how we would go about it anymore. Maybe we should just impeach every person on congress and get a new congress. Problem solved.

  36. Janet Helen Is the vice chair of the fed reserve.She thinks belt tightening is bad because it is costing us 2.5 million jobs right now.She also thinks the government should be spending to stimulate the economy.austerity is putting pressure on the fed to stimulate the economy.

  37. Janet Yellen is the vice chair of the Federal Reserve the person that is taking Ben Bernanke's place as the chair of the Federal Reserve. the Belt tightening is referring to the government continuing to cut taxes and spending which causes decreases in the amount of available jobs also it cost $2.2 Million . she thinks congress should stop cutting the government spending. Austerity is the measure taken by the government to reduce spending and it causes the FED to react by imposing harsh austerity measures on the economy that is still recovering from a financial crisis and deep recession and they are doing the exact opposite of the the congress.

  38. Janet Yellen is vice chair of the Federal Reserve and will become chair of the Federal reserve in January after Ben Bernanke leaves. She contends that belt tightening is bad because it is affecting the job market after losing almost 2.5 million jobs which leads to a deficit of jobs and hurting economic growth. Janet Yellen believes that Congress should be promoting expansionary fiscal policy which includes lowering taxes and increasing government spending which differs from our current ways of lowering government spending. Austerity is policies to reduce budget deficits such as lowering government spending and increasing taxes. This causes the FED to react in ways differently than the snorm because we are following spending when we should be following expaning spending to get us out of the recession.
