Monday, March 10, 2014

These 9 Maps Should Absolutely Outrage Southerners DUE 17 MAR 2014. Which of the maps concern you the most? Why? In your opinion, what is the reason for the disparity between the south and the rest of the country? Should the Federal Government intervene?


  1. The map that concerns me the most is the map of the minimum wages and rates. The reason is that the United States is supposed to protect its citizens and give us the best possible future, but certain states are either below the federal minimum wage and some do not have any protection laws against it. If states are not securing our future pay, then they are not allowing its citizens' futures to flourish. In my opinion, the reason why the South and the rest of the country are completely different is because of different opportunities. The South mostly gets tourists from its gorgeous around-the-year weather, while the rest of the country is growing and building up their cities from larger attractions such as downtown L.A. or the Empire State building and etc. I feel that the Federal Government should help intervene only with the fact of protecting United States citizens with federal wage laws for every single state; there is not much they can do about getting tourists to go to the South to bring in money. All the South needs is a push in the right direction.

  2. The map that concerns me the most is the one on economic mobility. Im concerned with this because as the north move forward with development and innovation, the south will be left behind and outdated. In my opinion, i think the disparity in the south has to do something with their traditional and conservative way of thinking. The southerners do not like change so it takes a long time for it to happen in their states. The Federal government should not intervene, because each state has to freedom to develop at their own pace and doing so will take away states' rights.

  3. The map that concerns me the most is the one that displays the economic ladder. America is supposed to be the land of opportunity, the place where people who want to have a brighter and more enjoyable life come to. The South is not living up to that belief. With the percentage people not likely to move up higher up on the economic ladder higher in the south it is unfortunate that many people come here with the hopes of becoming financially comfortable. I believe that the disparity between the north and the south is created by the fact that most southern states are republican. They support small government and favor the wealthy that makes it hard for those who are struggling and need assistance to get help to get themselves out of a hole and advance up the economic ladder. Without government help, economic mobility will become worse all across the country. The rich will get richer and the poor will stay poor.

  4. I feel that the teen pregnancy map concerned me the most. Yes I feel that the other 8 maps are concerning, but that is for adults and children that have gone through this and know how to emotionally overcome it. These infant children are walking into something that they do not deserve nor asked for. All these contributing factors that are harming the southerns are going to be passed on to them. The acceptance of Medicare and Obamacare was brought to the southerns by their ignorance to accept such a service and are causing this upon them and the cigarette tax map is not that important to this issue. The poverty map is concerning to me but there is poverty else where this issue will continue with my great great grandchildren, may be further down my family line who knows, but these children are walking into something they didn’t ask for. The reason for the disparity between the south and the rest of the country is that Southerns tend to stick with tradition and how things were rather than change. This includes adaptations to legislation, standards, and laws. The Federal Government should be accounted for this and intervene because it feels like they are letting the Southerners FAIL. We are all in this together and everyone deserves a fair opportunity despite ignorance.

  5. The map that concerns me the most is the second one labeled "And minimum wages are much lower." The reason for this is because many kid's in today's society are looking for ways to pay off their tuition, college expenses, and the variety of things that their parents cannot afford and with lower pay kids will have less of an incentive to go out and seek jobs. This also affects adults who are trying to make a living with the little that they have. I believe that the disparity between the south and the rest of the country is that the south follows their own principles that were established beforehand; unlike the others who are more liberal they tend to be resistant towards change. Yes, I do believe that the Federal Government should intervene because if they don't then southerners wont change their ways because someone needs to be there to mend them in a way that would only help them.

  6. The teen birth rate is the map that concerns me the most. According to the map, teens that are giving birth are mostly between the age of 15-19. I feel like at this age those teens should be focusing on their education not taking care of a child. In my opinion, the reason for the disparity between the South and the rest of the country is because of their differences. Health conditions are generally seen as being worse in the North.on health care are usually seen being better in the South. The Federal Government should only intervene if they are going to do something about it. I think that they should really help the North because a lot of people does not have health insurance and people are suffering. If the Federal Government really intervene maybe in the future we will not have a poor health conditions.

  7. The map that concerns me the most is the map of the minimum wages and rates.The reason for this is because many kid's in today's society are looking for ways to pay off their tuition, college expenses, and the variety of things that their parents cannot afford and with lower pay kids will have less of an incentive to go out and seek jobs.I feel that the Federal Government should help intervene only with the fact of protecting United States citizens with federal wage laws for every single state. I believe that the Federal Government should intervene because if they don't then southerners wont change their ways because someone needs to be there to mend them in a way that would only help them.

  8. The maps that concern me the most is the minimum wage map. Because everyone has the right to be treated equally. With southern states not having a minimum wage higher than the federal floor of $7.25 an hour is sad. How are they suppose to get a good education to have a successful future. In my opinion, the reason for the disparity between the south and the rest of the country is because the south sticks to traditions and don't like to make changes. They are old-fashion and believe they should keep things the same. The Federal Government should intervene because everyone should be treated equally no matter where you live. The south needs help to get going in the right direction and not have so much poverty.

  9. The map that concerns me the most is the one about minimum wages. This is because the U.S. is not doing their job to protect those in certain states whose wages are far beneath the federal minimum wage. The United States has neglected its duty by not creating any laws against this, therefore not protecting its citizens. In my opinion, the reason that the South is so different from the rest of the country is because the South is in a different position than the rest of the country. The South is fueled by tourism, which is driven by its desirable weather, so during the winter all the northerners travel down. The rest of the country thrives on its large cities like New York City, Chicago, and Seattle. I do think the Government should intervene in certain situations. This would include creating laws to protect citizens that are being paid well below the federal minimum wage. Other than that, I don’t think they can really help the south in terms of tourism.

  10. The map that says ''Many living in poverty in the South are being denied access to affordable health care'' is the most concerning one to me because when you think about it, they're not even paid a fair mininum wage, and now they can't even afford the ''affordable'' health care. If people are not healthy, they can't get out to work, make money, spend and get the economy going. If people are going to make any difference in the South, they have to start with taking care of themselves. They can't do that if it's prohibited to them. In my opinion, the reason for the disparity between the South and the rest of the country is because they are more traditional rather than creating fair and equal laws. Indeed, the Government should intervene but only if it's going to make a difference. The Government should whatever is possible to prevent any more choas in the South. Setting up some rules and regulations is a great start!

  11. The map that concerns me the most is the one where many people living in poverty in the South are being denied access to affordable health care. The reason why this concerns me the most is because it has a huge chain reaction.
    Southern states did not approve Obamacare which then leads to costing these states a lot of money. States that rejected Medicare will lose 1-10,000$ dollars. This is troubling because the South has several health crisis in its hands, such as obesity. They are high across the United States but they are particularly in the Southern Region. The Republicans and state legislatures refuse to adopt the Medicaid expansion, which is completely stupid in my opinion.
    Also, the greatest percentage of people who will benefit from Medicare will be the Southern states. I think the disparity between North and South is caused by different political parties. If we were more Democratic, we would have more states approve the Medicaid. I think the Government should interfere if it'll benefit us.

  12. The map that concerns me the most is the minimum wage map mainly because everyone has the right to be paid fairly. Many kid's today are looking for ways to pay off their college tuition and/or other things that their parents cannot afford. With lower pay kids will have less of an incentive to go out and seek jobs and help out their parents. How are these kids going to get a college education when the minimum wage in the South is set at $7.25 an hour? No matter where you live, you should be given the same opportunity to work and get paid the same amount of money as the other states. I believe that if the government keeps this up, people are going to leave the towns in the south and move somewhere where there is better pay, which is going to cause crowding in cities and there are going to be more people unemployed.

  13. The map that stood out the most to me was the minimum wage map. It showed that Southern states aren't doing the best they can to help out the less fortunate citizens that reside in their states. The reason for the disparity is that the South doesn't advocate as many programs to help the general welfare of the people living there. They are more conservative which shows in the charts. The government should intervene because some of the states have set minimum wages lower than the federal minimum wage.

  14. The map that concerned me the most was the minimum wage map. people need money to survive and when they dont make enough they have to rely on the government to support them. the reason for the disparity between the states is tourism. the south, especially florida, relies hevily on tourism. the north, on the other hand gets the bulk of their money from other things. when times are hard, people dont travel, which means less tourism. so, since times are hard now and tourism is down, the south is suffering.

  15. The map that concerns me the most is the one that says that in the south minimum wages are much lower then anywhere else. This concerns me for many reasons, there are a lot of families here in the lower class which need help financially and nothing is getting better and these people need help. Their children wont have any incentive to go out and look for a job because no one will hire them. How are these kids going to go to college, how are they going to pay for their tuition, and most importantly, how are the going to live in a house? I believe that no matter where you live, people in every state should have the same employment rate and the minimum wage should be balanced. Maybe if the government doesn't try to fix this problem and it keeps happening people may migrate and look for a place with better working conditions.

  16. The map that concerned me the most was the minimum wage map. people need money to survive and when they don't make enough to feed their or themselves its a problem. the states aren't giving the people enough money to live. The south is doing really bad compared to the rest of the country due to the lack of economic movement. more people live in poverty,more teen pregnancy, lower income, bad health care etc. The Federal Government should intervene or life in the south will be terrible in the next 50 years. Something needs to be done.

  17. The part of the map that concerns me the most, is the inability to move up the economic ladder in the south. A majority of the south is represented with either red, or dark orange, in terms of economic mobility. Meaning that, as said in the link, if you want to achieve the American dream, do not move to the south. America is commonly equated, and related to being the land of opportunity. Where a plethora of immigrants come to make a better living, to get ahead. "The south" is apart of America, but this map makes it seem as if it is otherwise. I believe that there is such disparity between the north and the south because of the fact that most southern citizens, and states are republican, or hold republican views. They believe in a small government, and the show the wealthy favor, that makes it hard for those who are struggling to get the government assistance needed to get themselves out of their monetary struggles, and proceed up the economic ladder. Without government help, economic mobility will become continue to decline, all across the country. Which will attribute to our disappearing middle class, resulting in the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer.

  18. The map that concerns me the most is the map stating that poverty rates are higher in the south. The poverty levels of many of the southern states is almost double some of the northern states. This may tie in with the fact that Minimum wage in the south is lower than the federal minimum wage in all states except for Florida. In my opinion, the disparity between the south and the rest of the country is that many southern states are Republican and want to have less government regulation and more state power. I believe that the Federal Government should intervene in order to pull states out of poverty.

  19. The map that concerns me the most is the map of the minimum wages and rates. The reason is that the United States is supposed to protect its citizens and give us the best possible future, but certain states are either below the federal minimum wage and some do not have any protection laws against it. Where a plethora of immigrants come to make a better living, to get ahead. "The south" is apart of America, but this map makes it seem as if it is otherwise. I believe that there is such disparity between the north and the south because of the fact that most southern citizens, and states are republican, or hold republican views. Without government help, economic mobility will become continue to decline, all across the country. Which will attribute to our disappearing middle class, resulting in the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer.

  20. The map that concerns me the most is the minimum wage map mainly because everyone has the right to be paid fairly. Many kid's today are looking for ways to pay off their college tuition and/or other things that their parents cannot afford. With lower pay kids will have less of an incentive to go out and seek jobs and help out their parents. How are these kids going to get a college education when the minimum wage in the South is set at $7.25 an hour? No matter where you live, you should be given the same opportunity to work and get paid the same amount of money as the other states. I believe that if the government keeps this up, people are going to leave the towns in the south and move somewhere where there is better pay, which is going to cause crowding in cities and there are going to be more people unemployed.

  21. The poverty map concerns me the most. The south has the highest poverty rate in America and, If you think about it, all the other maps show the effects of high poverty itself. They all derive from high poverty rates. I believe there is such a disparity because of southern culture and the cascading effect. When you grow up in poverty it is hard to exit that class because of the influences around you and the environment in which you are raised in.

  22. The map that concerns me the most is the map of the minimum wages and rates because the United States is supposed to protect its citizens and give us the best possible future, but certain states are either below the federal minimum wage and some do not have any protection laws against it. Also the teen pregnancy map concerned me the most because the others are for adults and children that have gone through this and know how to emotionally overcome it. It questions me that these infant children are walking into something that they do not deserve nor asked for. Back to minimum wage; there are a lot of families here in the lower class which need help financially and nothing is getting better and these people need help. Their children wont have any incentive to go out and look for a job because no one will hire them. How are these kids going to go to college, how are they going to pay for their tuition, and most importantly, how are the going to live in a house?

  23. The map that concerns me the most, is the inability to move up the economic ladder in the south. The majority of the south has blotches of red, or dark orange, according to the map it represents the economic low mobility. It even states a warning, if you are looking to achieve the American dream do not go to the South. I think that the disparity between the north and the south is because of the vast population and poverty that is spreading. Not only that, but the southern states seem to be holding a republican view, which affects the whole population that do not agree with state. The southern states believe in a small government, and favor the wealth. The middle class and low class are having difficulties, to get through with the minimum wage that they have. Also, these southern staes most likely have a surplus which is forbidding them to move up on the economic ladder. In the middle states, the population is not as great compared to the south. I do not think the government should interfere, it should not regulate much, to give it more power to control does not seem like a good idea. However, in order to help the people in the south, they should have the opportunity of a fair health care in which they will benefit from and are able to afford.

  24. The map that concerns me the most is the map of the minimum wages and rates. The reason is that the United States is supposed to protect its citizens and give us the best possible future, but certain states are either below the federal minimum wage and some do not have any protection laws against it. If states are not securing our future pay, then they are not allowing its citizens' futures to flourish. In my opinion, the reason why the South and the rest of the country are completely different is because of different opportunities. The southern states believe in a small government, and favor the wealth. The middle class and low class are having difficulties, to get through with the minimum wage that they have. Also, these southern staes most likely have a surplus which is forbidding them to move up on the economic ladder. In the middle states, the population is not as great compared to the south. I do not think the government should interfere, it should not regulate much, to give it more power to control does not seem like a good idea. However, in order to help the people in the south, they should have the opportunity of a fair health care in which they will benefit from and are able to afford.

  25. Most of the maps are very concerning, each of them having problems that concern all of us. The one that probably concerns me the most is that poverty rates are much higher in the south. Mainly because we seem to be part of that ratio. So if poverty rates are high, that means that most of the families around us are struggling to pay bills, live everyday lives, and can't even begin to think about putting their kids through college. I believe the reason for this disparity is because not many people really care for the south, and most of america's population actually lives in the south, immigrants included. I believe that the Feds should help out and intervene, help those families which are in need the most, and help pay for education, and healthcare. That's all these people could possibly ask for.

  26. The first graph of where it's showing the poverty level of the states concerns me the most. The reason it concerns me so much is the fact that the other graphs predict that there will be little improvement. Something I notice about the south compared to the north is a difference in regulations. Now this can't be the fault of the federal government though because not all the constituents of the U.S. are in the same dilema. This means lower level government is to blame. I can honestly say that there is a problem with spending and regulations in these states. The states with affordable health care and minimum wage regulations seem to be doing the best. I would like to point out that the southern states have politicians from both parties in command. This means that there is a common problem. I would have to say that the federal government needs to perform an investigation on all these suffering southern states in order to find the root to the problems of these states. There could just a lack of expansion to compensate for the increase in population. Big stores like walmart and target could be to blame as well. Whatever the problem is, it needs to be properly addressed in order to cause improvement in these states.

  27. What concerns me the most is the map that shows that poverty rates are higher in the south. This is a lit. Not only does it show how much the southern states despise a stronger national government but it also shows that these states are still conservative. Despite the many changes, the south is still behind. Except florida, the majority of the south states have a minimum wage lower than the federal minimum wage. That hurt the econony because we are pushing for equality yet they are still many who wants the states to have more power when it comes to economic decisions. With a poverty rate that doubles that of the north, the south contributes to the huge gap between the rich and the poor which in terms eliminates the middle class. Although we cant change people's perception, the federal government should enforce that these south states should follow the minimum wage and get them to pay their workers a liveable wage.

  28. The map that concerns me the most is the one that displays the economic ladder. America used to offer opportunity to the working class, but now this is not the case. The South is not living up to the past. With the high percentage of people not likely to move up the economic ladder in the south. it is unfortunate that we have moved away from what our country used to be know as, the land of oppertunity. Thet disparity between the north and the south is created by the fact that most southern states are republican. They support small government and favor weatly individuals, and think that you must help your self and that the government is not responsible for helping the poor.

  29. For one I am not surprised about the map of economic mobility. I always knew that the south had lower education standards than the North since I moved down from New York. But the map of being denied affordable health care concerns me the most. In my opinion, health care is very important and effects the teen pregnancy, obesity, and the happiness maps as well. Especially with the other map showing that the South is receiving wages lower than the federal minimum wage shows that people cannot even afford the health care that they are trying to receive right now. Southerners, in general, since the slavery days with de facto and de jure slavery laws, have had different opinions than the Northerners in what they want. The SOuth likes to stick with tradition, and allows no room for change. Also, the main industry in the South is tourism, that is probably the main focus and everything else has low priority. The federal government should step in, and see how they can make things fair an beneficial for the people who want and need affordable health care, even though the majority of a Southern state does not want it.

  30. The map that concerns me the most is "And minimum wages are much lower." This concerns me because minimum wage is suppose to be the minimum amount of money people can earn to live off of. There's no way in this economy can anyone who needs to support a family or even themselves can live off of minimum wage. I believe that the disparity between the south and the rest of the country is that the south follows their own principles that were established beforehand
    Unlike the others who are more liberal they tend to be resistant towards change. I do believe the government should intervene.

  31. The map that concerns me the most is the map stating that poverty rates are higher in the south. The poverty levels of many of the southern states is almost double some of the northern states. This may tie in with the fact that Minimum wage in the south is lower than the federal minimum wage in all states except for Florida. In my opinion, the disparity between the south and the rest of the country is that many southern states are Republican and want to have less government regulation and more state power. While I agree with the republican viewpoint of less gov control, I believe that there should be a regulation for all pay to be equal. But, this is a possible drawback. If minimum wage is set at $10 for example, then the price of common good s and services will rise in price.

  32. Which of the maps concern you the most? Why? In your opinion, what is the reason for the disparity between the south and the rest of the country? Should the Federal Government intervene?
    The map that concerns me the most is the one on economic mobility. The fact that the south has a lower economic mobility means that in the future it will be harder for people to move up in the economic ladder and a majority of the working class will stay at the bottom. I think the reason for this disparity is that the some of the south doesn't have minimum wage laws and the fact that southern people aren't as open to change as northerners are. The federal government should step in and help the people who are in need and enforce minimum wage laws on the southern states.

  33. The map that concerns me the most would be the high poverty map. It indicates that in the south, there are a higher percentage of low poverty, than in the rest of the country. I feel as though this is due to the fact that they have lower minimum wages as well and live to minimum. The Southern states are doing the absolute minimum for their poorest citizens by keeping the minimum wage at the lowest levels possible. The federal gov should intervene and help with this situation and help with the economy for them.

  34. The map that concerns me the most is the health care one. I believe that everyone should have access to health care that is affordable and suited towards their needs. It's very important to have in this country especially because without it you can't really get much of the medical needs that you need without health care unless you want to pay the larger amount the hospital or whoever is going to charge you because you are not insured. I think the reason for the disparity between the north and the South is that the South is very "traditional" I guess you would call it. They're very stuck in their old ways like their eyes only look backwards and not towards the future or change. I think the Federal Government shouldn't intervene because it just might cause a bunch of other issues. I think that if someone doesn't like where they live that they should move and start a better life.

  35. The map that concerns me the most is the high obesity rate that is in the south I know that we can't control what people eat but that was just a real shock. In American only we have high obesity rate but to learn the highest rates come from people in the country . I also think the reason why they is a disparity between the south is because they also seem like that were their own country apart from American because of the view system in the south. I don't believe that the Fed should intervene each state should have they own laws that fit the people living there.

  36. The map that concerned me the most was the map about the higher rate of teen birth. The map plots birth rates among women ages 15 to 19. In states shaded dark blue, there are more than 50 births per 1,000 teenage women. This caught my eye because in the southern states there is already low wages and poverty and the fact that teen birth rates are higher is sad because most likely most of those families would not be able to care for their child. The reason I think the South is like this is because they do not like to change tradition up and stick to their roots. And finally, I think the Federal Government should intervene because either they are killing a child from abortion or killing the child physically or emotionally due to other disparities the South is going through.

  37. The article demonstrate how terrible the economic of the south is. All of the maps presented in the are extremely disturbing; from highest poverty rates to highest teen birth rates, it looks like the Southeners have plenty on thier plates.Although all those maps demand attention but the map that concerns me the most is the map is the map that regard the high poverty rates in the south. As many one in four Southern kids lives in porverty compared to the national average one in five.
    Imagine kids who wake up in the morning without eben a bowl of cereal or piece of bread in front of them, this is really hard because I have experience hunger; so I know how difficult it is. I think the reason for the disparity between the South and the rest of the country is the fact that Southerners follows their own principles or it might the carelessness of those that are in power. I think the Federal Government should intervene simply because we need some order, simply because the south are not doing a good enough job of taking care of it's people.

  38. The map that concerns me most is the one on the economic ladder. I think this is a serious issue because it is unfair for the south to have lesser of a chance then others of being successful. No matter where you go, you should always have the fair chance of being able to make a name for yourself. I think the cause of the disparity is because the south isnt much of a changing area. They stick to what theyre comfortable sticking to. I think the federal government should possibly intervene. The south should have the same chance as the north of making a name of people. The federal government just may be able to do that
