Monday, February 3, 2014

U.S. Economy Shows Signs of Gearing Up Due 10 Feb 2013. What are the signs the economy is improving? How are these signs a little misleading?? How optimistic are you about a recovery in the near future??


  1. According to the article signs that the economy is improving is that Gross domestic product, grew at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 3.2% in the fourth quarter, the Commerce Department said. Overall the final six months of the year delivered the strongest second half since 2003, when the economy was thriving. Even during the holiday season the numbers were fairly high for businesses. The signs are a little misleading because there has been a pattern of the economy perking up for a time only to stumble again amid a new crisis. They are also misleading because of disappointing numbers on jobs and housing. More than four years after the end of the recession, America's rebound remains weak compared with past recoveries.. I believe that the economy will continue to slowly improve as long as our leader make an effort to improve it, but if they continue to do noting the economy will get worse causing another economic crisis.

  2. Signs that the economy is improving, stated from the article, is that the GDP rates are increasing and was strongest in 2003 where the economy was blooming. Rates for companies/businesses were also strong. These signs could be viewed as misleading because rates of employment were not as strong. Also we saw ourselves in other crisis' such as housing and being able to attain employment. Our recovery period was not all that successful. I believe that the right person has to be in charge for our recovery to become successful but I don’t see one happening until later on in the future; but with cautious efforts I can see gradual improvement occurring.

  3. Based on the article signs that the economy is improving is that Gross Domestic Product(GDP), grew at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 3.2% in the fourth quarter stated by the Commerce department. Furthermore, it was strongest in 2003 where the economy was thriving; also the rates for companies and businesses were fairly high. These signs are a little misleading because it did not affect the rate of unemployment. Moreover, the economy has a pattern of improving for a time then goes back to neutral. I view the economy as a slow progress, the more reluctant our leader s are to take action to improve the economy the longer it's going to take to show progress and hope.

  4. According to the article, the signs the economy is improving is that Gross domestic product the broadest measure of goods and services churned out by the economy, grew at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 3.2% in the fourth quarter stated by the Commerce department. The world's largest economy is still rumbling along in third gear. These signs are a little misleading because it did not affect the unemployment rate. Instead of the unemployment rate goes down, it went up. I believe that if our leaders starts taking actions to improve the economy, then it will start to get better. For example, Michigan state unemployment rate went down this year, because the leaders are starting to take actions. So, I have hope that our economy will get better at times.

  5. The signs that the economy is improving is that the GDP rose to 3.2% in the fourth quarter according to the Commerce Department. It may be misleading because the number of housing and jobs are a little disappointing. In addition, we have a lot of ups and downs with our economy. Our recovery is not so stable and it fluctuates a lot. I do believe that we can recover but it depends on who is our leader. If we have someone who knows what he or she is doing then I have faith that our economy will go back up. We can't have someone who is irresponsible and makes our economy go up and down.

  6. Some signs that the economy is improving is the raise in GDP, it rose to 3.2% in the fourth quarter. The unemployment actually went down instead of going up. If we have someone who actually cares about us and not just their pay then maybe our economy will eventually be fixed. Without someone good in charge, who knows what they are doing, our economy will end up getting worse and it everything may crash. When our economy goes bad, we go into a recovery period, it helps for a little but its not consistent.

  7. The article gives hope of economic improvement with the fact that the GDP rose 3.2% in the fourth quarter. It may come off as misleading due to the fact that unemployment went down rather than increasing. Also, our economy is still not as stable as it could be, we go through periods of lows and highs so there is no telling what will happen next. I believe that with a strong leader who has invested his/her time and heart into picking this country back up on its feet, then yes. Only time will tell if we will go back into a recovery period and learn from past mistakes.

  8. The signs of the economy improving is that the GDP has been improving. It grew up to 3.2% in the fourth quarter. This is misleading because unemployment is unchanged. the true test of an economy is the productivity of the people, and it isnt very productive with a high rate of unemployment. I believe the economy will recover. with the GDP rising, ts only a matter of time before the economy gets back to business as usual.

  9. The GDP rose to 3.2% according to the Commerce department. This could persuade someone that the economy is improving. This is misleading becuase the enconomy has been going up and down. This could mean that the next down will be bigger if it rose higher or that it won't fall as low. I have hope that the economy will improve, but only if people know how to use their money. We are depending on representatives to help us out and I think this is alittle silly. Yes they do make a difference but this country was made so people had the power. I believe that the education of students about the economy and how they use their money is lacking. Like the holocuast we must remeber the actions that put us in this situation and try to prevent it from happening ever again. I understand that the peope in office are the ones controlling the economy, but what do we do when the very government we depend on is no longer looking out for our best interest at hand. The governmnet shut down that happened hasn't even phased some people. The fact the there was a goverment shut down shows that we are doomed if we don't help ourselves. We need government to do it's job not be more dramatic then reality television.

  10. The signs that the economy is improving are that the GDP grew at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 3.2% in the fourth quarter. Aslo, it was the strongest in 2003 where the economy was thriving and also the rates for companies and businesses were fairly high. These signs are a little misleading because it did not affect the unemployment rate. Also, because of the disappointing numbers on jobs and housing. As long as the GDP goes up, then I am somewhat optimistic about a recovery in the near future.

  11. One of the signs that an economy is improving is if the GDP rises. The GDP rose 3.2% in the fourth quarter. These signs may be a little misleading because although the GDP rose, unemployment went down instead of going up. We also have a very unstable and unpredictable economy, so we can’t be sure of what condition our economy will be in at any time. If someone can come in and help our economy, then I think we should be optimistic about a recovery in the near future.

  12. Signs that the economy is improving is the growth in GDP, it was said to rise 3.2 % in the fourth quarter. Consumer spending accounts for roughly two-thirds of economic activity. These signs are a little misleading taking into account that the unemployment rate has increased. I am not so optimistic about a recovery in the near future, unless someone is willing to actually help our economy. I know it will take some time to fix but if we have someone who knows what they are doing then I will be very optimistic to a recovery in our future.

  13. The major sign that the U.S. economy is improving is the increase of the gross domestic product (GDP). The main reason being, is the increase in consumer spending which accounts for about two-thirds of economic activity. However, these statistics can be misleading. Unfortunately, unemployment grew and the housing market dipped. Additional, foreign markets have not been performing well which can impact American investors.

  14. Hints that the economy is improving is the improvement in the GDP or the Gross Domestic Product, it has been reported in growing to 3.2% in the fourth quarter. It was as its peak in 2003 where the unemployment rate was decreasing instead of increasing. In todays world, we have no idea what will happen in the future because our economy is very unstable, it could fluxuate at any time. But our economy can get better if things change and most of all unemployment rates must go down.

  15. A sign that shows the improvement of the economy, according to the Commerce Department, is that the GDP rose to 3.2% in the fourth quarter. The signs could be misleading because of the economy has been unstable for the last few years. Not only that but the unemployment has been declining as well. I think our economy will continue the same path of unstablement, but overall it will gradually make its way to improvement.

  16. According to the article, the major sign that shows an improving economy is the 3.2% growth in GDP in the fourth quarter. The GDP hasn't been this high since the second half of the 2003 year when the economy was last thriving. Even then, these signs may be misleading due to disappointing numbers of jobs and housing. I believe that a recovery in the near future may be possible, but it would still require more jobs being filled and even higher consumer spending which accounts for two-thirds of economic activity.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. According to the article, the major sign that shows an improving economy is the 3.2% growth in GDP in the fourth quarter. The signs could be misleading because of the economy has been unstable for the last few years. In todays world, we have no idea what will happen in the future because our economy is very unstable, it could fluxuate at any time. These signs are a little misleading because it did not affect the unemployment rate. Also, because of the disappointing numbers on jobs and housing. As long as the GDP goes up, then I am somewhat optimistic about a recovery in the near future.

  19. According to the article, the economy is improving because the Gross Domestic Product has peaked at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 3.2% in the fourth quarter. As the Commerce Department stated, the second half of the year, since 2003, displayed strong high numbers of booming businesses. These numbers may be misleading due to the fact that unemployment rates have not changed. If our economy is getting better, shouldn't employment go up? It does not match up that our economy is doing so great but many people are still struggling every day to survive. I have high hopes that the economy is improving. It takes a dedicated leader to change the ways of our system only to make it thrive.

  20. The signs that the economy is improving is that the GDP rose to 3.2% in the fourth quarter according to the Commerce Department. It may be misleading because the number of housing and jobs are a little disappointing. In addition, we have a lot of ups and downs with our economy. Our recovery is not so stable and it fluctuates a lot. I do believe that we can recover but it depends on who is our leader. If we have someone who knows what he or she is doing then I have faith that our economy will go back up. We can't have someone who is irresponsible and makes our economy go up and down.

  21. The Gross Domestic Product has drastically increased since 2003, according to the article. The Commerce Department stated that it grew at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 3.2% in the fourth quarter, meaning our economy took a positive turn in the right direction. Our economy is improving due to a boom in the GDP. These signs are a little misleading because unemployment rates are flatline and businesses are not doing as well as we had hoped. If the economy is doing so grand, more people should have jobs and afford a secure home. In my opinion, the economy is only going to thrive if a strong leader stands up and takes, not some, but all the responsibility. If we allow the economy to just better itself, expect a crash very soon. But I strongly believe little by little the economy will improve.

  22. Signs that the economy is improving, stated from the article, is that the GDP rates are increasing and was strongest in 2003 where the economy was blooming. Rates for companies/businesses were also strong. These signs could be viewed as misleading because rates of employment were not as strong. Also we saw ourselves in other crisis' such as housing and being able to attain employment. I think our economy will continue the same path of unstablement, but overall it will gradually make its way to improvement.

  23. The signs are a little misleading because there has been a pattern of the economy perking up for a time only to stumble again amid a new crisis. They are also misleading because of disappointing numbers on jobs and housing. The signs that the economy is improving is that the GDP rose to 3.2% in the fourth quarter according to the Commerce Department. As long as it keeps going up.. we should be fine and see a soultion in the future.

  24. Some of the signs that show that the economy is improving, would be that the Gross domestic product has grown at a rate of 3.2% in the fourth quarter, according to the article. These are false signs because if we were to look over at the unemployment rate, we would see no change what so ever. To be honest, I don't feel very optimistic about a recovery in the near future, unless the next president can really pull something off.

  25. Signs that the economy is improving would have to be that GDP rates are increasing and was strongest in 2003 where the economy was going good. These signs are very misleading because if we were to look at the unemployment rate, there wouldnt be a change. I do feel optimistic about a recovery considering our economy had been bad before, might as well hope for the best and hope that it keeps getting better from here on out.

  26. According to the article, the signs the economy is improving is that the GDP grew at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 3.2% within the fourth quarter, stated by the Commerce department. These signs are a little misleading because it did not affect the unemployment rate. The businesses did succeed as great as we had assume with employment. I personally think the only way our economy could improve is by having strong leadership in our government and especially from our president. If we have a strong leader to get us out of this crisis then we would see improvement. Unfortunately until we finally have that 1 person, I don't see any improvements in our future.

  27. As stated in the article, a sign that the economy is improving is that the GDP grew at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 3.2% in the fourth quarter. These signs are misleading because the GDP grew, but the unemployment rates weren't affected. I do believe the economy will recover in due time. However, if nothing is done to improve the situation, I believe it will get worst. With the right guidance, the economy will slowly recover.

  28. According to this article signs that the economy is improving includes that the GDP rates are increasing and also the rates for companies. They use these facts to say that the economy is improving but ignore the fact that employment is still low and isn't strong. Also business aren't doing too well. I believe that the economy is not going to be the best that it can be and grow stinger unless our next president works really hard and takes some strong actions to make it happen. I think if that does happen our economy will be strong.

  29. According to the article, signs of economic improvement include Gross Domestic Product grew at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 3.2% in the fourth quarter stated by the Commerce department.This did not effect the unemployment rate, which can cause the data to be misleading. This can be confusing because the unemployment rate actually went up instead of down. Our leaders are really the people that are to blame. If they begin to take the RIGHT steps to fix the US unemployment rate instead of working harder to fill their own pockets, our economy will be in the right place again.

  30. The economy is seeing a lot of growth in consumer spending and also in the business are seeing a lot of growth. this information can be misleading because of the slow start the the economic is slow to the recovery stage and many people want to see immediate change and get the benefits. I am optimistic about the slow recovery we are headed in the right direction and are not rushing this.

  31. The signs that the economy is improving are the fact that the GDP has increased and that consumer spending has also increased. These signs are misleading though because during the fourth quarter, the GDP decreased from 4.1% to 3.2% making it the strongest second half of a year since 2003. The numbers on jobs and housing have also been disappointing and have not risen as much as people have hoped they would. Personally, I am not as optimistic about our recovery because it could be much better than it is now. The government could be spending a lot more and creating more jobs than they are doing right now, and that would increase our growth even more.

  32. According to the article, signs of economic improvement include increase in Gross Domestic Product and consumer spending. GDP grew at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 3.2% in the fourth quarter stated by the Commerce department. so, our economy did significantly improve. These signs are a little misleading because it did not affect the unemployment rate. The businesses did succeed as great as we had assume with employment. there are also misleading because of disappointing numbers on jobs and housing. More than four years after the recession, America's rebound remains weak compared with past recoveries. I have no faith in the recovery because we are in so deep that i do not think anything can stabilize the economy. People are losing their jobs more than ever, people with high education are getting paid so low, and there is too much debt.

  33. Sighns that the economy is improving is that our GDP has gone up 3.2% this 4th quarter, and that this is the highest 6 month period since 2003. Along with the gdp, this holiday season was also very productive. These numbers could be misleading as our economy has had these spikes in the past. I an optimistic about recovering from this recession, as with any thing it is going to take time.

  34. According to the article, the economy is doing better. Improvements
    include GDP increase and consumer spending. GPD grew at a seasonally
    adjusted annual rate of 3.2% in the fourth quarter stated by the
    Commerce department the unemployment rates weren't affected. i believe
    things will slowly but surely improve just like all things it will
    take time.

  35. According to the article, it has been found out that our gross
    domestic product has gone up 3.2% during the 4 quarter. It is
    currently at the highest its been since 2003. In other words there has
    been a sharp increase in our economy. this could be misleading because
    similar things in our economy have occurred. it is highly likely that
    by next year come this time our economy could be worse then it
    currently is right now. I am optimistic that we can recover from our
    recession but im unsure really of how long it will take for us to
    recover. hopefully nothing too long
