Tuesday, April 14, 2015

It Takes a Party

http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/13/opinion/it-takes-a-party.html?_r=0 DUE 20 APRIL 2015. What personality traits are necessary for a candidate to run for President?? What issues are important to Republicans?? What issues are important to Democrats?? How will negative campaigning influence the election?? What topics will be used to attack the Republican candidate?? What topics will be used to attack the Democratic candidate??


  1. Whether it’s a Democrat or Republican who announces that they will be running for President, all sorts of people will psychoanalyze them. But, “there has never been a time in American history when the alleged personal traits of candidates mattered less.” A President should be trustworthy, responsible, honest, and should be prepared to handle any situation. Republicans would try to eliminate Obamacare, decrease Medicaid, and change up Medicare. They would try to cut taxes on the wealthy population and would try to stop greenhouse gas emission efforts. Democrats, on the other hand, would try to do the opposite. They would maintain basic social insurance programs, retain tax hike on wealthy Americans, preserve the financial reform of 2010, and try to further climate policies. According to collinsdictionary.com, negative campaigning is political campaigning in which a politician or party focuses on criticizing another politician or party rather than emphasizing their own positive qualities. Negative campaigning may cause citizens to make false accusations about the people running for President. This could be an issue because negative campaigning can have a major impact on the candidates running and it can also create tensions between the different parties. The attack against the Republican candidates, Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio, would be that he “doesn’t believe a lot of what he says.” As far as for Ms. Clinton (Democrat), “she’ll be accused, early and often, of insincerity, of not being the populist progressive she claims to be.”

  2. Hillary Clinton's recent decision to run for candidacy has sparked conversation but surprises none. During this time, the candidates that have announced their candidacy are being put under a spotlight as their platform and image are being criticized. Regardless of their political affiliation/party, the American people are psychoanalyzing each candidate for the most favorable and distasteful traits. Personality traits necessary for a President to have include: charitable, optimistic, leadership, influential, and intelligent. Republicans lean towards tax cuts on the wealthy, repeal of estate tax, welfare programs, and blocking efforts to limit greenhouse gasses as the most prioritized topics on their agenda. To Democrats however we see a complete opposite agenda with tax increases on the wealthy, preservation of the 2010 financial reform, maintenance of welfare programs, and m moving forward on the issue of climate change. Because of these right wing vs. left wing opinions being so differentiated, negative campaigning will be effective by outlining the faults in the political platform of the other party. The American people are most interested in economic stability and a boost in the flow of money. Therefore, I expect the most practical form of negative campaigning would be to outline how the parties' agendas are damaging or destabilizing to the economy. Topics used to attack the Republican candidates would include insincerity of the topics they claim to be "pro" of. Topics used to attack the Democratic candidates would include that Clinton isn't the sincere populist she claims to be as well as the influence her husband, former President Bill Clinton, would have on her decisions.

  3. In order for a person to run for President they must possess certain characteristics or attributes that oppose to the people of America. A Presidential candidate must be relatable to the U.S. people. He or she must appear as casual and friendly, yet put together and responsible. However as the author of this article found, these campaign traits and strategies do not always clearly represent the true candidate, "Personality-based political analysis is always a dubious venture — in my experience, pundits are terrible judges of character". The Republican party looks to destroy Obama Care, lessen the amount of Medicare and Medicaid, cut taxes on the wealthy, and block the efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions. On the other hand, Democrats would seek to do the opposite. The Democratic party looks to to maintain the basic U.S. social insurance programs — Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, retain the tax hikes on high-income Americans, and try to move forward on climate policy. Negative campaigning will provide false accusations to the people and will take place through different critics and advertisements. Negative campaigning leads to tension and confusion between the parties and their followers. In order to attack the Republican party, the author makes comments about Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio claiming,"In either case we’d be sure to hear many assertions from political pundits that the candidate doesn’t believe a lot of what he says". As for the Democrats, the Republicans will probably attempt to take a stab at Hilary Clinton's sex, husband, and Democratic ideals, "she’ll be accused, early and often, of insincerity, of not being the populist progressive she claims to be.”

  4. It doesn’t really matter to who is running for presidency, either a Democrat or Republican. Anyone will get judged on and there will be attempts to psychoanalyze the candidate. “In any case, there has never been a time in American history when the alleged personal traits of candidates mattered less.” For 2016, each party is unified on major issues but these positions are far from each other. Usually, the personality traits that are necessary for a President to have are: trustworthy, honest, responsible, smart, and know what they are doing. Republicans will try to eliminate both consumer protection and the extra regulation applied to large, “systemically important” financial institutions. They would also would block efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions. But on the other hand, Democrats will do the exact opposite of what the Republicans will do, the Democrats will maintain basic social insurance programs, retain tax hike on wealthy Americans, preserve the financial reform of 2010, and try to further climate policies. With both sides having really different viewpoints on things, negative campaigning would bring what they both oppose on opposite sides out and would outline what the opposite side things about. Also, negative campaigning could give the citizens a bad impression of the candidate or a good one. Some topics you could use to attack a Republican would be talking about how they claim, "In either case we’d be sure to hear many assertions from political pundits that the candidate doesn’t believe a lot of what he says". And for Democrats, they would use that Clinton isn't the sincere populist she claims to be as well as the influence her husband, former President Bill Clinton, would have on her decisions.

  5. Personality traits that I would say are necessary for a candidate running for the presidency would include appearing caring and exude being a “true” American. They need to appear serious and yet friendly and approachable. The Republicans seek to reverse a lot of Obama’s policies while also heading to their goals of less government involvement in general. Issues important to Democrats would be to continue some of Obama’s policies, pushing more for the Affordable Healthcare Act. Negative campaigning will influence by convincing the more impartial votes on either side and the independents. Topics to attack both candidates on either side will usually fall in with corruption and threats to the one side’s ideals.

  6. Personality traits that a presidential candidate would need to possess are a sense of honesty, they must be very charismatic, and relate-able to a variety of demographics. Issues that are important to Republicans are generally things that would benefit anyone who is well off or wealthy. They tend to want tax cuts on the wealthy, to cut welfare programs, not have estate taxes, and they disagree with efforts to save the planet or anything to do with the idea of global warming. Democrats are the complete opposite from republicans. They want tax increases on the wealthy, maintenance of welfare programs, and preserving the environment and slowing down climate change.Negative campaigning will probably cause the Democrats to win because the majority of Americans aren't wealthy. Topics that would be used to attack the republicans would be that they don't care about the poor and people that need help. To attack the democrats, republicans would probably talk about how they want to take too much money from they wealthy and corporations, and are using too much of taxpayer's money on welfare programs.

  7. In the article it says " There has never been a time in American History when the alleged personal traits of candidates mattered less." It doesn't matter whether you are a Republican or Democrat people will continue to psychoanalyze the candidate. Issues important to Republicans include destroying Obamacare, make deep cuts in Medicaid, and to convert Medicare into a voucher system. Democrats important issues are maintaining the basic U.S. Social insurance programs in their current form, and extending the Affordable Care Act. Negative campaigning will allow each candidate to decrease ones amount of supporters/voters to get them on their side. It will increase a voters view on each candidate, and who to vote for creating tension in the race. Topics used to attack Republican candidates are not believing a lot of what Bush and Rubio are saying. On the Democrat side Mrs. Clinton will be accused of insincerity of not being the populist progressive she claims to be.

  8. In recent elections, the personality-based political analysis has always been questionable; “in any case, there has never been a time in American History when the alleged personal traits of candidates mattered less.” Looking back to how George W. Bush presented himself as a nice, affable fellow who would pursue moderate, bipartisan policies, a president should be one who can handle anything that is thrown at him/her. As President, they need to think of solutions to problems that would aid the country overall. Heading into the 2016 election, each party is unified over policy issues in which they stand for. As a Republican, important issues would fall under destroying Obamacare, cuts in Medicaid, converting Medicare into a voucher system, cut taxes on the wealthy and block efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions. As a Democrat in the running, important issues would be to maintain the basic social insurance programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, preserving the Affordable Care Act, retain high taxes on high-income population, preserve the 2010 financial reform and excel on climate policy. Because of their stance on the major issues today, the political parties have grown even farther apart than expected. In the running, negative campaigning will definitely be used to talk down another candidate of the other party based on their views. Topics that could be used to attack a Republican candidate could be that the nominee is a supposed moderate like Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio, while topics that can be used to attack a Democrat would be that Ms. Clinton is accused of “insincerity,” of not being the populist progressive she claims to be.

  9. It shouldn’t matter if a Democrat or a Republican is running for president. People will continually be judged by the opposing parties and attempt to psychoanalyze the candidates. As stated by Krugman, “In any case, there has never been a time in American history when the alleged personal traits of candidates mattered less.” The political stand that the candidate is for shouldn’t necessarily matter, but more of what they stand for and how they are going to improve the country. A President should be kind and respectful, but also a fast thinker and can resolve situations easily before they become too drastic. The Republicans are trying to get rid of Obama Care, lessen the amounts of Medicare/Medicaid, cut taxes on the wealthy and block the efforts of limiting greenhouse gas emissions. But, the Democrats are hoping to do the exact opposite. The Democrats are trying to maintain basic social insurance programs (Social security, Medicare/Medicaid), retain the tax hikes on high-income Americans, preserve the financial reform on 2010, and try to further climate policies. Negative campaigning could influence the election in a variety of ways. It could sway people’s views with false information, leading to people spreading information that’s not accurate, creating a larger spectrum of people with false information. It could also give people a bad impression of the other running candidate, creating tension between the different parties. The attack against the Republican candidates, Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio, would be that they “[don’t] believe a lot of what he says.” The topics used to attack the Democratic candidate, Hilary Clinton, would be her sex and how her husband had a great amount of influence on her decisions.

  10. Personality-based political analysis is always a dubious venture, pundits are terrible judges of character. In any case, there has never been a time in American history when the alleged personal traits of candidates mattered less. Issues that are important to Republicans are to destroy Obamacare, make deep cuts in Medicaid, and probably try to convert Medicare into a voucher system,to cut taxes on the wealthy House Republicans plan to vote next week to repeal the estate tax while slashing programs that aid low-income families,eliminate both consumer protection and the extra regulation applied to large, “systemically important” financial institutions, and block efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions.Issues that are important to Democrats are to maintain the basic U.S. social insurance programs Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid in essentially their current form, while also preserving and extending the Affordable Care Act,retain the tax hikes on high-income Americans that went into effect in 2013, and possibly seek more,try to preserve the 2010 financial reform, which has recently been looking much more effective than critics suggested,and try to move forward on climate policy, through executive action if necessary. Negative campaigning will influence the election by endless attempts to psychoanalyze the candidate and it could also change people views because of inaccurate information , causing people to be induced to change their minds by election. Topics that will be used to attack the Republican candidate are that the candidate doesn’t believe a lot of what he says. Topics that will be used to attack the Democratic candidate is insincerity, of not being the populist progressive claimed to be.

  11. Candidates running for office need to be sociable and well recognized. They need to be able to hold attention and command a large audience. The issues Important to the Republicans are to “seek to destroy Obamacare, make deep cuts in Medicaid, and probably try to convert Medicare into a voucher system.” They would cut taxes for the wealthy. they would “eliminate both consumer protection and the extra regulation applied to large, “systemically important” financial institutions,” and “block efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions.” Democrats would “maintain the basic U.S. social insurance programs — Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid — in essentially their current form, while also preserving and extending the Affordable Care Act.” Democrats would “retain the tax hikes on high-income Americans that went into effect in 2013, and possibly seek more.” And, they would “try to preserve the 2010 financial reform” as well as “move forward on climate policy” I believe that this election will be host to a lot of negative campaigning, because many of the candidates have to resort to attacking others because they have no other choice.Democrats will probably try to attack Republicans by saying how they do not care as much for the less wealthy, and how they like privatized everything. Republicans will attack Democrats by saying they take money from the wealthy and are using socialism for healthcare. They will definitely attack Obamacare for sure.

  12. A candidate should be credible and prove that they are reliable. Republicans focus more on reducing expenses that they feel are unnecessary such ass Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid, they would also give more tax breaks to the wealthy in order to keep money making Americans on their side. On the other hand democrats are more concerned with maintaining basic U.S social insurance programs, increasing taxes for the wealthy in order to lower them for low-income taxpayers, they would preserve financial reform and try to move forward on climate policy. Negative campaigning will influence voters choice by bringing out every negative aspects of opposing candidates. Democratic candidates will probably be accused of being insincere; that their concern for the people is just an act. Republican candidates would be accused of openly lying in order to keep a certain image that would appeal to congress.

  13. When it comes to voting for a president, whether Democratic or Republican, “…there has never been a time in American History when the alleged personal traits of candidates matters less.” But regardless the personality traits of the presidential candidates shouldn't matter as much compared to the views of important issues that are going on in this country. When deciding who to vote for, most people look at the platform of each candidate to see their opinions of each topic. Republicans and Democrats will have clash views of topics like taxes, where Democrats want to increase taxes on the higher-income Americans, Republicans want to cut taxes for them. Along with decreasing taxes for the rich, republicans will try to get rid of programs that help families with low-incomes, like social security, Medicare/Medicaid, and other social insurance programs. Republicans want to stop all efforts to contain greenhouse gas emissions, roll back the 2010 financial reform, repeal the estate tax, and completely get rid of Obamacare. While Democrats want the exact opposite. In 2016, along with the presidential elections there are also the congressional elections that are going to be taking place. For President Obama’s first term, Nancy Pelosi was the speaker of the House, which meant that the majority in the House was in the president’s favor. With John Boehner being the current Speaker for the past four years, so the republican led House rejects any kind of plan or bill President Obama has issued. So the good thing is that there will hopefully a new set of congressmen. Negative campaigning, or “mudslinging”, is when a candidate highlights a negative aspect of flaw of another candidate to gain an advantage, so it has the power to sway the voters and change their opinions. Republican’s main problem would be that it “doesn't really mean” anything when talking about topics like health care and climate change. Specifically, for Hillary Clinton, her opponents will be bringing up controversial topics like the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Benghazi, and the email scandal.

  14. The personality traits that are necessary for a candidate to run for president are they must be truthful with what they will campaign also know how to make decisions that are going to help Americans not make things worse. The issues that are important for the republicans are getting rid of Obama care and any health insurance also lower taxes on the rich. While on the other hand democrats want to keep Obama care and raise taxes on the rich to in a way help the poor / middle class citizens. Negative campaigning will influence the election because most citizens won't believe most things they say and think twice before they vote. The topics that will be used against republicans could be that they aren't telling the full truth on what they really want to do. On the other hand for democrats it could be the incident the Hillary Clinton had with Monica Lewinsky and that she isn't isn't the sincere populist she claims.

  15. There are many personality characteristics that are a necessity for one to run for the presidential office. If certain characteristics are not met, the individual may come off as not the correct placement of the job. Whether it is the way they dress, their attitude or even the people that they hang around. Each individual possess different characteristics. Most importantly, the person that is running to become president of the United States of American should posses a characteristic or quality that shows the faith and pride that they have for this country. They must show that they can relate to the Americans as a whole and can cooperate with them as well. If this is not done, most Americans will not feel comfortable having this person in charge of their country. Although the author has stated in the article that, personality-based political analysis is always a dubious venture — in my experience, pundits are terrible judges of character. There are many issues that are important to the Republican party. Some of the issues that are important to the Republican party Any Republican would seek to destroy Obamacare, make deep cuts in Medicaid, and probably try to convert Medicare into a voucher system. They also would try to cut taxes and would try to stop greenhouse gas emission efforts. Any Democrat would, if elected, seek to maintain the basic U.S. social insurance programs- Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid in essentially their current form, while also preserving and extending the Affordable Care Act. Negative campaigning may influence the election because it may effect who the people vote for. In the article it states that the attack towards the Republican candidates are "In either case we’d be sure to hear many assertions from political pundits that the candidate doesn’t believe a lot of what he says.” For the Democratic side the attack is "she’ll be accused, early and often, of insincerity, of not being the populist progressive she claims to be.”

  16. A president should be confident. Whether he is making a wise choice or not, we should be convinced that it is what's best. We need a leader that makes us feel sheltered and that everything is under control. Republicans are concerned with privatized health care. Democrats want to continue to raise taxes to benefit all Americans. I do not think negative campaigning will have a huge impact on this election because the ideas are pretty clear cut. Issues such as gay marriage, taxes, and healthcare are all pretty black and white. I think republicans will be attacked for their views on equality. The people seem to be for rights, moving forward, and being accepting. Democrats will be accused of over spending.

  17. The personality traits that are necessary for a candidate to run for President are honesty, confidence, and being a prude. Republicans want to make sure women don't receive any equal treatment, the government doesn't control the health care system, and climate change does not exist. Most democrats want equal rights, climate policy, and a retain on the tax hikes on high-income Americans. Negative campaign will influence the campaign. Mrs. clinton will be accused, early and often, of insincerity, of not being the populist progressive she claims to be. Topics to attack the Republican candidates would be climate change and health care. Democrats will be attacked with comments about the tax hikes and obamacare.

  18. Whether a Democrat or a Republican run, they are going to be judged. The traits that they are “supposed” to have are to make them appealing to the citizens of the United States. The issues important to Republicans are to destroy Obamacare, make deep cuts in Medicaid, and cut taxes on the wealthy. The issues important to Democrast are to maintain the basic U.S. social insurance programs (Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid), retain the tax hikes on high-income Americans, and to preserve the 2010 financial reform. Negative campaigning will influence the election because it could go either way. It could influence the political parties in a either a positive or a negative way. The topics that will be used to attack the Republican party are "In either case we’d be sure to hear many assertions from political pundits that the candidate doesn’t believe a lot of what he says”. The topics that will be used to attack Democrats are they could claim that Clinton isn't the sincere populist she claims to be as well as the influence her husband, former President Bill Clinton, would have on her decisions.

  19. Candidates running for office need to be sociable and well recognized. They need to be able to hold attention and command a large audience. The issues Important to the Republicans are to “seek to destroy Obamacare, make deep cuts in Medicaid, and probably try to convert Medicare into a voucher system.” They would cut taxes for the wealthy. they would “eliminate both consumer protection and the extra regulation applied to large, “systemically important” financial institutions,” and “block efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions.” Democrats would “maintain the basic U.S. social insurance programs — Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid — in essentially their current form, while also preserving and extending the Affordable Care Act.” Democrats would “retain the tax hikes on high-income Americans that went into effect in 2013, and possibly seek more.” And, they would “try to preserve the 2010 financial reform” as well as “move forward on climate policy” I believe that this election will be host to a lot of negative campaigning, because many of the candidates have to resort to attacking others because they have no other choice.Democrats will probably try to attack Republicans by saying how they do not care as much for the less wealthy, and how they like privatized everything. Republicans will attack Democrats by saying they take money from the wealthy and are using socialism for healthcare. They will definitely attack Obamacare for sure.

  20. Usually, the personality traits that are necessary for a President to have are: trustworthy, honest, responsible, smart, and know what they are doing. Republicans will try to eliminate both consumer protection and the extra regulation applied to large, “systemically important” financial institutions. They also will block efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions. On the other hand, Democrats will do the exact opposite of the Republicans, the Democrats will maintain basic social insurance programs, retain tax hike on wealthy Americans, preserve the financial reform of 2010, and try to further climate policies. With both sides having really different viewpoints on things, negative campaigning would bring what they both oppose on opposite sides out and outline the opposite side's views. Also, negative campaigning could give the citizens a bad impression of the candidate or a good one. Some topics you could use to attack a Republican would be talking about how they claim, "In either case we’d be sure to hear many assertions from political pundits that the candidate doesn’t believe a lot of what he says". And for Democrats, they would use that Clinton isn't the sincere populist she claims to be as well as the influence her husband, former President Bill Clinton, would have on her decisions.

  21. The personality traits of presidential candidates always matter to American voters. President Barrack Obama got a lot of support for being that young energetic and optimistic candidate that really seemed like he felt for the people and made us seem like he was one of us. Candidates need that optimistic attitude and strong minded honest attitude. Important issues on the Democratic side include seeking to maintain the basic U.S. social insurance programs — Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid — in essentially their current form, while also preserving and extending the Affordable Care Act. Republicans believe, however, destroying Obamacare, making deep cuts in Medicaid, and trying to convert Medicare into a voucher system is what is best for this country. The Republican and Democratic parties are so far off from each other now a days in beliefs that personality is almost kind of blurred out, except maybe to the voters that are on the fence or independent. Tax hikes on high-income Americans and preserving the 2010 financial reform are Democratic beliefs where as Republicans are the complete opposite. Negative campaigning for Democratic Hilary Clinton would include she being accused, early and often, of insincerity, and of not being the populist progressive she claims to be. Whether the Republican candidate is Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio, negative campainging on the right side would include many assertions from political pundits that the candidate doesn’t believe a lot of what he says.

  22. The most important factors that contribute to election of President is considering whether the candidate is Democrat or Republican. Republicans are against Medicare and any type of funding to help families. strong supporters of the environmentand will try to stop or decrease harm to the environment. They also want to cut taxes on the wealthy and increased taxes for middle-class citizens were as Democrats are the complete opposite of Republicans everything they are against Democrats are for it and support. Negative campaigning is not very popular when it comes to voters but it is done as a way to make an opponent look bad while trying to increase their own popularity. Topics to attack both candidates on either side will usually fall in with corruption and threats to the one side’s ideals.

  23. For any candidate running for presidency, certain traits are necessary in order to become elected and perform their role well. These traits include being responsible, honest, direct, reliable, strong-willed and so on. Candidates that show they genuinely care for the people and state of the nation is a crucial trait; showing the well-being of the people is a priority. Democrats would “maintain the U.S. social insurance programs, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, in essentially their current form, while also preserving and extending the Affordable Care Act.” Democrats would “retain the tax hikes on high-income Americans that went into effect in 2013, and possibly seek more.” as stated on the article. Negative campaigning could cause people to receive a false interpretation of a candidate and choose another that could in return be the wrong choice. It could unfairly change an election. Democrats could attack Republicans by showing of for them it “doesn't really mean” anything when talking about topics like health care and climate change. Democrats like Hilary Clinton specifically will " be accused, early and often, of insincerity, of not being the populist progressive she claims to be.” She will be attacked about her gender, husband and platform during her candidacy.

  24. For a candidate to run for President they need to impress the public by making them feel like they are one of them. They also have to be kind and have good moral values. Republicans are focus on war and less on insurance programs. Republicans hate the fact that Obama-care still exists, nothing would stop them from getting raid of it. Democrats are worried about climate change and Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Democrats wants the 2010 financial reform to remain, unlike Republicans who wants it to disappear. Negative campaigning will play a big role in this election because of the many disputes between Republicans and Democrats. Topics that Republicans will be attack with is climate change and the slashing of programs that aid low-income families. Topics that Democrats will be attack with is the remain of Obama Care and tax hikes.

  25. Candidates running for president must posses a number of various traits that make them appealing to the majority of the population. These traits include being friendly, trustworthy, responsible, and honest. Issues important to republicans include, getting rid of Obama Care, decreasing the amount of Medicare and Medicaid, cutting taxes on the wealthy populations, and blocking efforts made to limit greenhouse gas emissions. On the other hand, democrats support social insurance programs, seek to retain tax hike on financially stable Americans, preserve the financial reform of 2010, and try to further policies on climate. Negative campaigning creates tension between parties and false opinions. Voters become confused when hearing negative ideas about their political decisions. Topics used to attack republicans Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio state, "the candidate doesn’t believe a lot of what he says". Attacks against Democrats such as Clinton state, "she’ll be accused, early and often, of insincerity, of not being the populist progressive she claims to be.”

  26. What personality traits are necessary for a candidate to run for President?? What issues are important to Republicans?? What issues are important to Democrats?? How will negative campaigning influence the election?? What topics will be used to attack the Republican candidate?? What topics will be used to attack the Democratic candidate??

    Personality traits that are necessary for a candidate to run for president are to be responsible, trustworthy, kind, and open-minded. Issues that are important to Republicans are the cost for having Medicare and Welfare for the people that need it. The issues that are important to Democrats involve environmental safety. the Republicans and the Democrats are a FOIL of each other (meaning opposite) and can hardly ever come to an agreement that pleases both parties. Negative campaigning can influence an election depending on the voters' majority. This new generation is very open-minded so the 2016 election should be very interesting to watch with all of the negative campaigning and support. Things that will be used against the Republican party are their negative thoughts on environmental safety an the legalization if gay marriage and marijuana. Things that will be used against the Democratic party are the thoughts of having more Government intervention within the states (if you do not agree with that.)

  27. You have to be convincing, and have great social skills. In this country it wouldn't hurt being white. Republicans want to eliminate Obamacare, and Medicaid. They want to cut taxes on the wealthy population. Democrats want to maintain social insurance programs. Republicans are apparently evil and Democrats are the devil; if youre poor. If you are good at life, and become rich, republicans are the best. I personally dont think negative campaigning has any effect anymore. People forgive so easily and we are so use to trash talk, people dont even listen to it anymore.

  28. President is an important title and cannot be given to just anyone. Whether it is a Democrat or Republican, you can't deny that there are key traits they must possess. A President should be strong mentally, honest, unselfish, thoughtful, and prepared for anything. However, Republicans and Democrats focus on different things. Republicans are more focused on tax cuts from the wealthy, repeal of estate tax, welfare programs, and blocking efforts to limit greenhouse gasses while Democrats prioritize maintaining Medicare and Medicaid, preserving the Affordable Care Act, retaining high taxes on the upper class, and preserving the 2010 financial reform. Negative campaigning will influence the election because they are going to take the Republican candidate and make them look like an idiot. That is the Democrats' specialty. For example, Sarah Palin who is now quoted as saying " I can see Russia from my backyard" even though she never actually said that. Tina fey was exaggerating her "idiocy" during a skit on SNL but now everyone believes Sarah Palin actually said that. Negative campaigning can have a major impact on the candidates running and cause citizens to make false accusations about the people running for President. In the article it states that the attack towards the Republican candidates would be "that the candidate doesn’t believe a lot of what he says.” For the Democratic side the attack is "she’ll be accused, early and often, of insincerity, of not being the populist progressive she claims to be.”

  29. A President should be trustworthy, responsible, honest, and should be prepared to handle any situation. Republicans would try to eliminate Obamacare, decrease Medicaid, and change up Medicare. They would try to cut taxes on the wealthy population and would try to stop greenhouse gas emission efforts. Democrats, on the other hand, would try to do the opposite. They would maintain basic social insurance programs, retain tax hike on wealthy Americans, preserve the financial reform of 2010, and try to further climate policies. As a Democrat in the running, important issues would be to maintain the basic social insurance programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, preserving the Affordable Care Act, retain high taxes on high-income population, preserve the 2010 financial reform and excel on climate policy. Because of their stance on the major issues today, the political parties have grown even farther apart than expected. In the running, negative campaigning will definitely be used to talk down another candidate of the other party based on their views. Negative campaigning may influence the election because it may effect who the people vote for. In the article it states that the attack towards the Republican candidates are "In either case we’d be sure to hear many assertions from political pundits that the candidate doesn’t believe a lot of what he says.”

  30. The personality traits that are necessary for a candidate to run for President are trustworthy, responsible, reliable, honorable, optimistic, and many more. The issues important to the Republicans would include Obamacare, Madicare, and Medicade. "Any Republican would seek to destroy Obamacare, make deep cuts in Medicaid, and probably try to convert Medicare into a voucher system." They would also cut taxes on the wealthy, seek to roll back financial reform, and would block efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions. The issues important to Democrats would be to seek to maintain the basic U.S. social insurance programs — Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, retain the tax hikes on high-income Americans, try to preserve the 2010 financial reform, and try to move forward on climate policy. Negative campaigning will influence the election because it gives false opinions of different candidates. Topics being used to attack a Republican and a Democrat would usually include any big issue that either of the parties feel strongly for and both parties will find a way to make the candidate look bad to make themselves look better in the public eye.

  31. There are certain personal traits that a person needs to become president. A president should be someone who is: trustworthy, responsible, honest, intelligent, charitable, and he or she should be prepared to handle any situation that will occur. The Republicans have different motive from the democrat party. The Republican most important issues include cutting taxes, eliminating Obamacare, decreasing Medicaid, and changing up Medicare. The Democratic Party has important issues that are different than the Republican’s. Their issues are like the opposite from the Republican’s issue. The Democrats wants to keep social programs such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare and more. Also they want to raise taxes on the wealthy class of Americans. They are trying to move forward with climate change policies. Negative campaigning will give the citizens a bad impression on the other candidates. It is meant to influence a citizen’s opinion on a candidate. For the Republican Party, the Democrats will use topics such as does the country need another Bush in the white house, or how the Republicans only care for the 1% and how they want to spend more on war. For the Democrats, the Republicans would use negative topics such as the sex scandal against Clinton, or the negative aspects of Obama care.

  32. For Presidential candidates to even consider running they must have a certain "look". They must have a strong personality that people can trust especially since this person will be the leader of our country. As you can tell all of our candidates for president are well groomed and are confident in their beliefs so that the people of the U.S. can be confident in their decision on electing someone best for them. Republicans basically hate every idea that Obama has to offer. They would try and get rid of obamacare and they would twist the ways we use Medicare. Democrats want to keep the ideas of the Medicare so that our society can have the benefits of health that we need. Negative campaigning will cause people to change their minds because some candidates really pound some terrible things into the minds of the people about the other candidate. Republicans will be hounded for not meaning what they say, this is a big one to the eyes of the public because they will not trust the republican candidates. Democratic candidates will probably be called out on for over spending because they are trying to better our economy.

  33. In order for a person to run for President they must possess certain personality traits. A President should be trustworthy, responsible, honest, and have leadership. The Republican party looks to destroy Obama Care, lessen the amount of Medicare and Medicaid, cut taxes on the wealthy, and block the efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions. Democrats will do the exact opposite of what the Republicans will do, the Democrats will maintain basic social insurance programs, retain tax hike on wealthy Americans, preserve the financial reform of 2010, and try to further climate policies. Nevgative campaignig will infulence the elecetions because it will try to bring down the opponent with false accusations. Topics that will be used to attack the Democratic candidate ware that of insincerity of not being the populist progressive. And topics that will be used to attack the Repulican candidate is that many assertions from political pundits that the candidate doesn’t believe a lot of what he says.

  34. Personalty traits are similar to a first impression. The public loves to see a candidate with not only the appealing political views, but the character that follows. JFK was one of the most loved presidents when it came to public appeal, some would say he was living the American dream (husband, wife, 2 kids, a dog named spot, and a very very large Pickett fence). The presidential candidate not only needs to stay true to the public about his or her own political view points but they are charged as well to state them in a manner in which appeals to the party they are in favor of. To win a presidential campaign without a little dirt on your hands is virtually impossible. Republicans and democrats are in an all out war when the presidntal campaign begins, and in a war there can only be one winner. Topics like social security are very debatable between the two parties, so a verbal onslaught tends to take place, and this is where public appeal will be tested.

  35. A characteristic a presidential candidate must have would be that they are relatable to the U.S. citizens. He or she must appear as casual and friendly, yet put together and responsible.No matter if it’s a Democrat or Republican who announces that they will be running for President, all sorts of people will psychoanalyze them. There would be endless attempts to read significance into what they say or don't say about the previous president, endless thumb-sucking about their "positioning" on this or that issue. The author of the article states that "Personality-based political analysis is always a dubious venture — in my experience, pundits are terrible judges of character". There has never been a time in American history when the alleged personal traits of candidates mattered less. The issues that seem to be important to Republicans are cutting taxes for higher-income Americans. Also getting rid of programs that help families with low-incomes, like social security, Medicare/Medicaid, and other social insurance programs. And they will try to stop all efforts to contain greenhouse gas emissions, roll back the 2010 financial reform, repeal the estate tax, and completely get rid of Obamacare. Topics that are important to Democrats would be to increase taxes on the higher-income Americans. They will seek to maintain the basic U.S. insurance programs- Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid- in essentially their current form, while also preserving and extending the Affordable Care Act. Any Democrat would try to move forward on climate policy, through executive action if necessary. Negative campaigning will influence how the people view the candidates, causing them to second guess their original choice and vote for the opponent. Topics that will be used to attack Republicans are how they do not care as much for the less wealthy, and how they privatized everything. Republicans will attack Democrats by saying they take money from the wealthy and are using socialism for healthcare.

  36. Someone who is honest, patriotic, reasonable, and quick in difficult situations are personality traits fit for the President of the United States.
    Money is very important to republicans. They want to decrease taxes on the wealthy, stop the affordable care act, give up on preserving the environment, and cease handouts. Democrats are more charitable. They want to preserve the environment, make health insurance affordable, and have social security. Negative campaigning will be the reason why people will be swayed and unswayed to vote for the opposite party. The democratic party will probably remind voters about the other Bush family members who were in office and the mess they left behind, while republican's will remind voters of Hillary Clinton's husband and why he left office.

  37. For a person running to be President they should have characteristics like being responsible and trustworthy. This is because we don't want a president who does not know how to handle a situation that we all may seem to fear about. The issues that are important to Republicans are to cut taxes, eliminate the Obama care, and too change Medicare. The Republicans want to attempt cutting taxes on the wealthy. The issues that are important to Democrats is too seek to maintain Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Plus, instead of cutting taxes, the democrats want to raise taxes on the wealthy population and to preserve the 2010 financial reform. Negative campaigning may have citizens making false accusations about the who is running for President. Topics you could use to attack a Republican would be what was stated in the article.. "In either case we’d be sure to hear many assertions from political pundits that the candidate doesn’t believe a lot of what he says.” Topics that will be used to attack the Democratic candidate is what Bill Clinton has stated, "She’ll be accused, early and often, of insincerity, of not being the populist progressive she claims to be.”

  38. For a candidate to run for President there are a few personality traits necessary, but they all mostly vary within each political party. As said by Paul Krugman, “Personality-based political analysis is always a dubious venture”. Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, people will still psychoanalyze the candidate. Republicans to this current day are trying to destroy Obamacare and want to convert Medicare into a voucher system, meaning private insurance. Republicans tend to limit greenhouse gas emission, while Democrats are trying to move forward with climate policy, enforcing more action if necessary. A big fight right now is that Democrats want to maintain the basic U.S social insurance programs such as, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Negative campaigning will influence the election greatly because these two parties are very distinct in political issues. Health programs right now are on the verge of either being privatized or being government owned. Topics such as health care will be attacked towards Republicans as well as issues with climate changes. For a Democrat, taxes on the wealthy will become a big discussion during campaigns. Hillary Clinton as a Democrat nominee will be accused mostly of insincerity, for not being the progressive she claims to be, along with her husband’s personal decisions. As a Republican nominee, Democrats will likely attack with ideals of talking too much and not acting as needed.

  39. I think for any type of competition, in this case a presidential election, you need a neutral, calm, and controlled personality type. You want to be firm on your beliefs, but also give the impression that you're open to debate. You want to be relatable, and you want to be simple in a manner that EVERYONE can find something about you that they can relate to. A Republican, no matter what the personality, will tackle issues like Obamacare by trying to abolish it, Medicaid by making deep cuts, and Medicare by trying to turn it into a voucher system. They would cut taxes on the wealthy and block efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions. Democrats, on the other hand, seek to maintain the basic U.S. social insurance programs — Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid — in essentially their current form, while also preserving and extending the Affordable Care Act. They also try to raise taxes on the wealthy and seek out continuing climate policy. Personally, I do not think negative campaigning will ever help you in any form of race, election, competition, etc. Though the government thinks Americans are stupid, we're not. We clearly see when a candidate is bashing another and honestly, we don't support it. I would rather have a mature, honest, and nice president rather than one who seeks to exploit others and does those things out of spite to try to win. Americans see it and I'll say it again, we don't like it. If you want to attack a Republican in any debate or something similar, bring up how they don't care about the poor and how they just want to privatize everything and start war. If you want to attack a Democrat, say that they're environmentalist hippies taking money from the wealthy to support the poor who are too lazy to go out and get a job.

  40. Personality traits necessary to run for president are youth, vibrance, and wisdom. Republicans would seek to destroy Obamacare, make deep cuts in Medicaid, and probably try to convert Medicare into a voucher system. Republicans would try to cut taxes on the wealthy — House Republicans plan to vote next week to repeal the estate tax — while slashing programs that aid low-income families. Republican would seek to roll it back, eliminating both consumer protection and the extra regulation applied to large, “systemically important” financial institutions. Democrats would, if elected, seek to maintain the basic U.S. social insurance programs — Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid — in essentially their current form, while also preserving and extending the Affordable Care Act. Democrats would retain the tax hikes on high-income Americans that went into effect in 2013, and possibly seek more. Democrats would try to preserve the 2010 financial reform, which has recently been looking much more effective than critics suggested. Negative campaigning will influence the election by changing views and ultimately votes. Topics used to attack Republicans are of them trying to reduce taxes on the wealthy and reducing aid to the poor. Issues on democrats would be the retaining of tax hikes on the wealthy.

  41. In recent elections, the personality-based political analysis has always been questionable; “in any case, there has never been a time in American History when the alleged personal traits of candidates mattered less.” Looking back to how George W. Bush presented himself as a nice, affable fellow who would pursue moderate, bipartisan policies. Republicans lean towards tax cuts on the wealthy, repeal of estate tax, welfare programs, and blocking efforts to limit greenhouse gasses as the most prioritized topics on their agenda. Topics that are important to Democrats would be to increase taxes on the higher-income Americans. They will seek to maintain the basic U.S. insurance programs- Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid- in essentially their current form, while also preserving and extending the Affordable Care Act. Negative campaigning will be effective by outlining the faults in the political platform of the other party. The topics that will be used to attack the Republican party are "In either case we’d be sure to hear many assertions from political pundits that the candidate doesn’t believe a lot of what he says”. The topics that will be used to attack Democrats are they could claim that Clinton isn't the sincere populist she claims to be as well as the influence her husband, former President Bill Clinton, would have on her decisions.-Sam Mohammed

  42. Regarding the matter of voting in favor of a president, whether Democratic or Republican, "… there has never been a period in American History when the asserted individual characteristics of competitors matters less." But notwithstanding the identity qualities of the presidential hopefuls shouldn't make any difference as abundantly contrasted with the perspectives of vital issues that are going ahead in this nation. At the point when choosing who to vote in favor of, a great many people take a gander at the stage of every contender to see their assessments of every subject. Republicans and Democrats will have conflict perspectives of themes like expenses, where Democrats need to expand charges on the higher-pay Americans, Republicans need to cut assessments for them. Alongside diminishing duties for the rich, republicans will attempt to dispose of projects that help families with low-salaries, similar to government disability, Medicare/Medicaid, and other social protection programs. Republicans need to stop all endeavors to contain nursery gas emanations, move back the 2010 money related change, revoke the home assessment, and totally dispose of Obamacare. While Democrats need the precise inverse. In 2016, alongside the presidential decisions there are likewise the congressional races that will be occurring. For President Obama's first term, Nancy Pelosi was the speaker of the House, which implied that the larger part in the House was in the president's support. With John Boehner being the current Speaker for as long as four years, so the republican drove House rejects any sort of arrangement or bill President Obama has issued. So the good thing is that there will ideally another arrangement of congressmen. Negative battling, or "mudslinging", is the point at which a hopeful highlights a negative part of defect of another contender to pick up favorable element, so it has the ability to influence the voters and change their conclusions. Republican's fundamental issue would be that it "doesn't generally signify" anything when discussing subjects like health awareness and environmental change. In particular, for Hillary Clinton, her rivals will be raising questionable subjects like the Monica Lewinsky embarrassment, Benghazi, and the outrageous email.

  43. In order to run for the Presidential position, one must be relate to the public, in other words, prove how much he/she can contribute for the good of the American people. He or she appears as friendly and charismatic, while stays collective and responsible. However, as the article stated, personality traits don't particularly determine a candidate once they enter the office. We all assured that George W. Bush was a nice fellow who would pursue moderate policies... Personality-based is always a dubious venture, says Paul. Any Republican candidate elected would try to eliminate Obamacare, make deep cuts in Medicaid, and high possibility to convert Medicare into a voucher system. Furthermore, they would seek to roll back the 2010 financial reform, eliminating both consumer protection and extra regulation applied to large, "systemically important" financial institutions. A Democrat candidate, on the other hand, would retain the tax hikes on high-income Americans that went into effect in 2013, and possibly seek more. They would also try to preserve the 2010 financial reform which has recently been looking much more effective than critics suggested, which Republicans trying to roll back. Regarding the climate change, Democrats want to forward on climate policy, while Republicans would block efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions. Negative campaigning is trying to win an advantage by referring to negative aspects of an opponent or of a policy rather than emphasizing one's own positive attributes or preferred policies. Negative campaigning can affect the election by having citizens misinterpret about a particular candidate's points on issues, rather than to focus on their good intentions. Topics that can attack Republican candidates like Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio would be public health awareness and environmental change, "many assertions from political pundits that the candidate doesn't believe a lot of what he says". Topics that can attack Democratic candidates like Hillary Clinton would be why she hasn't been a populist progressive she claims to be.

  44. Personality traits necessary for a candidate to run for President are calm, honest, patriotic, reasonable, and firm. If a candidate is bothered by some measly critiques, then how would they be fit to run office? If a candidate is dishonest, how can Americans trust their future leader? Being the perfect President is much more difficult than it seems.
    Issues important to Republicans are the existence of Obamacare, Medicaid, and Medicare because they seek to eliminate the social security programs. Republicans seek to convert Medicare into a voucher system. Also, Republicans seek to cut taxes on the wealthy, and block efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions.
    Issues are important to Democrats are to maintain the basic U.S. social insurance programs, to preserve and extend the Affordable Care Act. Democrats seek to keep tax hikes on the wealthy, preserve the 2010 financial reform, and move forward on climate policy.
    Negative campaigning will influence the election by parties attacking certain parts of policy, for example Democrats will point out that to Republicans that the climate is in fact getting warmer and they are just trying to bury it under the rug. Republicans on the other hand can point out to Democrats that social insurance programs are ruining America.
    Topics that will be used to attack the Republican candidate, Jeb Bush, are if he believes a lot of what he says about health care and climate change, and if he is being insincere now and reasonable later.
    Topics that will be used to attack the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, are her insincerity of not being the populist progressive she claims to be, and where she will come out on the Trans-Pacific Partnership.


  45. Personality traits that are necessary for a presidential candidate are nice, affable, who would pursue moderate bipartisan policies. Issues that are important to Republicans would be making cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, putting an end to the affordable healthcare act, reduce taxes for the wealthy. While on the other hand Democrats are trying to maintains social insurance programs, preserve the financial reform and try to eliminate greenhouse gas affects. Negative campaigning will take a toll on how voters view the opposite candidate possibly making it harder for them to win their vote. Topics such as healthcare and climate change will be used against the republican nominee. While things such as not being the populist progressive that they claim to be.

  46. As a Republican or Democratic candidate,personality traits are unimportant these days. What IS important is your stance on major policy issues and your plan for them. Republicans want to dissolve Obamacare, make cuts in Medicaid, and turn Medicare into a voucher system. They want to cut taxes on the rich, reduce programs that aid low-income families. They aren't pro-environmental conservation. Democrats are all for preserving social insurance programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. They want to keep high taxes on the wealthy. They want to protect the lower and middle class consumers and families. Democrats are also pro-environmental conservation and climate-change believers. Negative campaigning may sway some voters, but do nothing for others. Because the parties are so divided, like the author said, if you've been paying attention, your decision is made. They'll say that Hillary will be heavily influenced by her husband, Bill Clinton. They'll say she's insincere. Who cares if Hillary Clinton is insincere? If voters share the same beliefs as her, then they'll vote for her. As for the attacks on the Republicans, claims will be made that they're dishonest or they don't mean what they say.

  47. Personality traits that a presidential candidate would need are honesty, being charismatic, and relate-able to many demographics in some way. Issues that are important to Republicans are generally things that would benefit anyone who is well off or wealthy.Republicans would try to eliminate Obamacare, decrease Medicaid, and change up Medicare. They would try to cut taxes on the wealthy population and would try to stop greenhouse gas emission efforts. Negative campaigning will influence the election by endless attempts to psychoanalyze the candidate and it could also change people views because of inaccurate information , causing people to be induced to change their minds by election.Topics that will be used to attack the Republican candidate are that the candidate doesn’t believe a lot of what he says. Topics that will be used to attack the Democratic candidate is insincerity, of not being the populist progressive claimed to be.

  48. Hillary Clinton's recent decision to run for Presidential candidacy has sparked conversation nationwide. During this time, candidates that have already announced their candidacy are being examined closely under the lime light as their platform and image are being criticized. Regardless of their political affiliation/party, the American people are psychoanalyzing each candidate, seeking the both the most favorable and distasteful traits. Some personality traits necessary for a President include but are not limited to: charitable, optimistic, leadership, influential, and intelligent. Republicans lean towards tax cuts on the wealthy, repeal of estate tax, welfare programs, and blocking efforts to limit greenhouse gasses as the most prioritized topics on their agenda. However, Democrats see a very different agenda involving tax increases on the wealthy, preservation of the 2010 financial reform, maintenance of welfare programs, and solution-searching on the very real issue of climate change. Due to opposing views of the right wing & left wing opinions, negative campaigning will effectively outline the faults in the political platform of the parties. The American people seem to be most interested in economic stability and a boost in money flow; therefore, I expect the most practical form of negative campaigning would be to express how the parties' agendas are damaging or destabilizing towards the economy. Topics used to attack the Republican candidates could include insincerity of the topics they claim to be "pro" of. Topics used to attack the Democratic candidates would include that Clinton isn't the sincere populist she claims to be as well as the influence her husband, former President Bill Clinton, would have on her decisions.

  49. In order for a candidate to run for President they must posses a few traits that improve their chances of being elected. They need to have traits such as being relatable kind, open-minded, and confident. Even with these traits they still will be psychoanalyzed, and people will be critical of anything that they do. If you're a Democrat some important issues are raising taxes, providing healthcare, supporting equal marriage rights, and funding schools. If you're Republican, some important issues are lowering taxes and privatizing education. Negative campaigning will be very common tactic used in next years election, and will probably be more popular than actually saying something positive.

  50. Any presidential candidate today, needs to be charismatic, trustworthy, confident, and knowledgeable on issues that takes precedence in America today.The issues Important to the Republicans are to “seek to destroy Obamacare, make deep cuts in Medicaid, and probably try to convert Medicare into a voucher system.” They would cut taxes for the wealthy. they would “eliminate both consumer protection and the extra regulation applied to large, “systemically important” financial institutions,” and “block efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions.” While Democrats will try to maintain basic social insurance programs, retain tax hike on wealthy Americans, preserve the financial reform of 2010, and try to further climate policies. Negative campaigning has been a popular form of campaigning currently, and I believe that the American people seek this kind of campaigning because we desire to know the flaws in each candidate stated be the opposing candidate. By flaws, I mean a candidate's incapability to handle a issue how the american majority would of desired for it to handled. Democrats will probably attack Republicans on how they only care for the top 1% in wealth, and Republicans will probably attack Democrats through taking on Obamacare.

  51. Presidential candidates whether republican or democrat will be analyzed on their personalities. It is important for the candidates to have certain traits to accommodate them in their campaign. They should be trustworthy, honest, responsible, smart, and know what they are doing. Issues important to the Republican party is to lower taxes, privatize businesses and schools, and block efforts to limit greenhouse gases. Issues important on the Democratic ticket are to ensure that all Americans are covered, and maintaining welfare programs. Negative campaigning has become popular in recent elections cause it highlights the negative aspects of the opposite party or candidate. The author attacks the Republicans by stating that "In either case we’d be sure to hear many assertions from political pundits that the candidate doesn’t believe a lot of what he says "In either case we’d be sure to hear many assertions from political pundits that the candidate doesn’t believe a lot of what he says". And for the democrats they will such the Republicans by using that they only care for the wealthy and they will say that Hillary Clinton is not being the populist progressive she claims to be.

  52. The personality traits desired and necessary to be a valid candidate to run for president are dedication, strong willed, selflessness,
    Empathy, and sympathy. When running to be candidate for president of United States regardless of being Republican or Democrat having a larger stand with their voter is what's most important. What issues that are important to republican is keeping money, staying at war, reducing taxes. The issues that concern democrats are taxes, staying out of war. Negative campaigning can effect multiple people in different way because of people and their backgrounds. What Republican can be attacked about is their choices on watlr and fracking.The Democratic party can be attacked on their tactics for war and our economic situation.

  53. Candidates running for President require necessary personality traits for the position. Whether we are talking about a person who is affiliated with the Democratic or Republican Party, they all need to be friendly, trustworthy, and much more. If you don’t have a charitable and kind President, you won’t have a leader who tries their best to help out those in need other than the only ones he/she cares about. Presidents need to be influential upon the nation. They make the job look like it’s nothing on the outside, but on the inside, they break down nearly everyday. This depicts that Presidents must be strong with a thick shell that cannot be easily penetrated. Now onto the Republican Party candidates, they should want to destroy privatize healthcare, strike down legalizing marijuana, cut taxes on the wealthy and block efforts to limit greenhouse gases polluting the air surrounding us. On the other hand, Democrats are more Humanitarian and believe in the rights of the people. They should be rooting for anything pro-society such as gay marriage, legalizing marijuana, having public healthcare and social security, and much more that constitutes to giving society more rights and accessibility. Negative campaigning can influence an election by depicting one person’s opponent as cruel and tyrannical. It can bring Party affiliates to not vote for their Party candidate anymore. The wrongdoings of the candidates are brought out with these negative campaigns and they end up losing a lot of votes. The topics of gay marriage, marijuana, and public healthcare will be used against the Republican candidate. The same goes for Democrats, but for Republicans, it will be how they want to strike down all of the topics from being legalized, whereas Democrats are all for it.

  54. According to the article in Oder to run for presidential position one of which is related to the public ,on the other hand proving how much a candidate male or female can contribute to Americans. Although some candidates may seem charismatic or charming they can also put on the persona of being a responsible individual and be able to represent our country.On the other hand as the article has stated vividly that personality traits don't determine and individuals characteristics once they are in office, we are all aware of geroge Washington bush and his personality traits and the characteristics he had moderate policy's and his personality was dubious venture according to Paul.The majority of republican candidates that are elected would be against obama care they would make Deep budget cuts on Medicare there is a high possibility for them to turn Medicare into voucher system.On the other hand they would roll back on 2010 financial reform canceling out consumer protection and extra regluation.As for a democratic candidate they would return the taxes on high income with the effect of climate policy while republicans would block efforts to limit the green house gas emissions.As for negative campaigning it will effect oppenent and their policy rather than a person postivie attributes or perfected policy's.

  55. The personality that a presidential candidate should have is one that is all about the people. It is the president who will serve the needs of the people. If you aren't social or compassionate about others, that is an issue. Republicans focus on the issues of cutting taxes on the wealthy and turning Medicare into a voucher system. The Democrats ate focused on increasing taxes in the wealthy, keeping Obamacare and insurance plans, and preserving financial reforms. Negative campaigning actually helps the election. Many voters may become curious to research the truth.

  56. I dont think it really matters to who is running for presidency, either a Democrat or Republican. Anyone will get judged on and there will be attempts to psychoanalyze the candidate. “In any case, there has never been a time in American history when the alleged personal traits of candidates mattered less.” For 2016, each party is unified on major issues but these positions are far from each other. Usually, the personality traits that are necessary for a President to have are: trustworthy, honest, responsible, smart, and know what they are doing. Republicans will try to eliminate both consumer protection and the extra regulation applied to large, “systemically important” financial institutions. They would also would block efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions. But on the other hand, Democrats will do the exact opposite of what the Republicans will do, the Democrats will maintain basic social insurance programs, retain tax hike on wealthy Americans, preserve the financial reform of 2010, and try to further climate policies. They would maintain basic social insurance programs, retain tax hike on wealthy Americans, preserve the financial reform of 2010, and try to further climate policies.negative campaigning is political campaigning in which a politician or party focuses on criticizing another politician or party rather than emphasizing their own positive qualities. Negative campaigning may cause citizens to make false accusations about the people running for President. This could be an issue because negative campaigning can have a major impact on the candidates running and it can also create tensions between the different parties. Negative campaigning can also help sn election.

  57. The personality traits that were necessary for a candidate to run for president are to be responsible, trustworthy, kind, and open-minded. Issues that are most important to Republicans are the cost for having Medicare and Welfare for the people that need it. On the other hand the issues that are important for the Democrats involve environmental safety. Democrats also Democrats feel its important to seek and maintain the basic U.S. social insurance programs — Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Negative campaigning will influence the election because it gives false opinions of different candidates. Topics that will be used to attack the Republican candidate is by saying how they do not care as much for the less wealthy, and how they like privatized everything. Republicans will attack Democrats by saying they take money from the wealthy and are using socialism for healthcare. These types of negative campaigning could have voters reconsider on both sides on what they really want when it comes to a positive change in society.

  58. Personality traits necessary for a candidate to run for president is to be thick skinned, cunning, honest, charming, strong, and well educate. These traits will greatly help any candidate with their running of becoming president. Republicans are concerned with eradicating Obamacare, changing Medicare with a voucher system, and making sure the wealthy get tax cuts. The Democracts will be focused with keeping the current insurance system, preserving 2010 financial reform, and taxing the rich. Since both parties are polar opposites negative campaigning will be used to sway the general public in favor of the other party. For example Ms. Clinton running she'll be attack for her sincerity or her image for the country with the whole affair that happened with Bill Clinton making the country seem weak/compromised.

    -Raymond Tilus

  59. Some Personality traits that make a good candidate that runs for President is the ability to perform well under pressure, communicate effectively, and exhibit a kind of self esteem that will motivate his/her adherents and the country when they become president. The issues Important to the Republicans are to “seek to destroy Obamacare, make deep cuts in Medicaid, and probably try to convert Medicare into a voucher system.” They would cut taxes for the wealthy. They would “eliminate both consumer protection and the extra regulation applied to large, “systemically important” financial institutions,” and “block efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions.” The Democrats also contribute to the same issues as the Republicans, however, from a different point of view. A Democratic candidate would try to maintain basic social insurance programs-- Social security, Medicare,Medicaid, retain the tax hikes on high-income Americans, and preserve the financial reform on 2010, and try to further climate policies. Topics that will be used to attack the Republican candidate are that the candidate don't believe a lot of what he says. Topics that will be used to attack the Democratic candidate is insincerity, of not being the populist progressive that they claim to be.

  60. Personality traits that may be essential to carry when running for presidency is to be charming, well-educated, presentable and outspoken. In order to convey your ideas and proposals to a people you must know how to communicate your ideas clearly and a little charm helps too. Republicans would try to eliminate Obamacare, decrease Medicaid, and change up Medicare. They would try to cut taxes on the wealthy population and would try to stop greenhouse gas emission efforts. Democrats, on the other hand, would try to do the opposite. They would maintain basic social insurance programs, retain tax hike on wealthy Americans, preserve the financial reform of 2010, and try to further climate policies. Topics like social security are very debatable between the two parties, so a verbal onslaught tends to take place, and this is where public appeal will be tested. Both parties will be greatly pressured by media and society.

  61. The personality traits necessary for a candidate to run for President are the ability to appeal to a wide range of people,honesty, charismatic,modest and eloquent.Republicans focus on the issues of cutting taxes on the wealthy and turning Medicare into a voucher system. The Democrats ate focused on increasing taxes in the wealthy, keeping Obamacare and insurance plans, and preserving financial reforms.Negative campaigning has become popular in recent elections cause it highlights the negative aspects of the opposite party or candidate.

  62. To run for President one must exhibit an exuberant amount of trait, such as being honest, appealing to a wide variety of people, and being an affable candidate. Republicans would focus on destroying Obamacare and creating a "voucher" system for insurance. The republicans would also seek to cut teas on the wealthy and destroy the 2010 reform plan. As the climate is concerned, Republicans don't care. Democrats would try to maintain basic insurance polices such as Medicaid, they would put high taxes on the rich and lower ones on the poor. The democrats would also bring back the 2010 financial reform and move forward on climate policy. Negative campaigning will be used to find a middle ground that doesn't exist, so they will instead fur not using words that the other candidate didn't mean against them. Attacks on our republican candidate, such as Marco Rubio, would include saying that he doesn't believe half of what he says. Attacks on our democratic opponent, Ms. Clinton, will include trying to unleash her insincerity of not being a populist progressive as she has claimed.
